Thomas A. Hemphill
Cited by
Cited by
Corporate citizenship: the case for a new corporate governance model
TA Hemphill
Available at SSRN 592546, 2004
Wearable devices and healthcare: Data sharing and privacy
S Banerjee, T Hemphill, P Longstreet
The Information Society 34 (1), 49-57, 2018
Strategic research partnerships: A managerial perspective
T Hemphill, N Vonortas
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15 (2), 255-271, 2003
Trends in international strategic management research from 2000 to 2013: Text mining and bibliometric analyses
GO White, O Guldiken, TA Hemphill, W He, M Sharifi Khoobdeh
Management International Review 56, 35-65, 2016
The ISO 26000 guidance on social responsibility international standard: what are the business governance implications?
T Hemphill
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 13 (3 …, 2013
Self-regulating industry behavior: Antitrust limitations and trade association codes of conduct
TA Hemphill
Journal of Business Ethics 11, 915-920, 1992
Legislating corporate social responsibility
TA Hemphill
Business Horizons 40 (2), 53-59, 1997
Corporate social responsibility, country reputation and corporate reputation: A perspective on the creation of shared value in emerging markets
KJ Kelley, TA Hemphill, Y Thams
Multinational Business Review 27 (2), 178-197, 2019
Financial data breaches in the US retail economy: Restoring confidence in information technology security standards
TA Hemphill, P Longstreet
Technology in Society 44, 30-38, 2016
Wholly owned foreign subsidiary relation-based strategies in volatile environments
GO White III, TA Hemphill, JRW Joplin, LA Marsh
International Business Review 23 (1), 303-312, 2014
China's national champions: The evolution of a national industrial policy—or a new era of economic protectionism?
TA Hemphill, GO White III
Thunderbird international business review 55 (2), 193-212, 2013
Extraordinary pricing of orphan drugs: is it a socially responsible strategy for the US pharmaceutical industry?
TA Hemphill
Journal of business ethics 94, 225-242, 2010
Electronic commerce and consumer privacy: Establishing online trust in the US digital economy.
TA Hemphill
Business & Society Review (00453609) 107 (2), 2002
Monitoring global corporate citizenship: Industry self-regulation at a crossroads
TA Hemphill
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 81-95, 2004
The role of sovereign wealth funds in global financial intermediation
SR Jory, MJ Perry, TA Hemphill
Thunderbird International Business Review 52 (6), 589-604, 2010
The benefit corporation: Corporate governance and the for‐profit social entrepreneur
TA Hemphill, F Cullari
Business and Society Review 119 (4), 519-536, 2014
Corporate governance, strategic philanthropy, and public policy
TA Hemphill
Business Horizons 42 (3), 57-63, 1999
The global economic ethic manifesto: Implementing a moral values foundation in the multinational enterprise
TA Hemphill, W Lillevik
Journal of Business Ethics 101, 213-230, 2011
The innovation governance dilemma: Alternatives to the precautionary principle
TA Hemphill
Technology in Society 63, 101381, 2020
Technology standards development, patent ambush, and US antitrust policy
TA Hemphill
Technology in Society 27 (1), 55-67, 2005
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Articles 1–20