seema yadav
seema yadav
College of Agriculture, Baytu (Barmer), Agriculture University Jodhpur
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Pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and docetaxel for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (CLEOPATRA): end-of-study results from a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 …
SM Swain, D Miles, SB Kim, YH Im, SA Im, V Semiglazov, E Ciruelos, ...
The Lancet Oncology 21 (4), 519-530, 2020
Effect of cyclodextrin complexation of curcumin on its solubility and antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory activity in rat colitis model
VR Yadav, S Suresh, K Devi, S Yadav
Aaps Pharmscitech 10, 752-762, 2009
Dose-dependent response of Trichoderma harzianum in improving drought tolerance in rice genotypes
V Pandey, MW Ansari, S Tula, S Yadav, RK Sahoo, N Shukla, G Bains, ...
Planta 243, 1251-1264, 2016
Comparison of physical and mechanical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate and Biodentine
N Butt, S Talwar, S Chaudhry, RR Nawal, S Yadav, A Bali
Indian Journal of Dental Research 25 (6), 692-697, 2014
Trace metal concentration in different Indian tobacco products and related health implications
S Verma, S Yadav, I Singh
Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (8-9), 2291-2297, 2010
An in vitro cyclic fatigue analysis of different endodontic nickel-titanium rotary instruments
N Bhagabati, S Yadav, S Talwar
Journal of endodontics 38 (4), 515-518, 2012
Novel formulation of solid lipid microparticles of curcumin for anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory activity for optimization of therapy of inflammatory bowel disease
VR Yadav, S Suresh, K Devi, S Yadav
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 61 (3), 311-321, 2009
Genome-wide analysis of glutathione reductase (GR) genes from rice and Arabidopsis
DK Trivedi, SS Gill, S Yadav, N Tuteja
Plant signaling & behavior 8 (2), e23021, 2013
Antimicrobial activity of fresh garlic juice: an: in vitro: study
S Yadav, NA Trivedi, JD Bhatt
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda) 36 (2), 203-207, 2015
Genome-wide analysis of plant-type II Ca2+ ATPases gene family from rice and Arabidopsis: potential role in abiotic stresses
KMK Huda, S Yadav, MSA Banu, DK Trivedi, N Tuteja
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 65, 32-47, 2013
Rare-earth free yellow-green emitting NaZnPO4: Mn phosphor for lighting applications
D Haranath, S Mishra, S Yadav, RK Sharma, LM Kandpal, N Vijayan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (22), 2012
Mercaptoacetic acid based expeditious synthesis of polyfunctionalised 1, 3-thiazines
LDS Yadav, S Yadav, VK Rai
Tetrahedron 61 (42), 10013-10017, 2005
Comparative analysis of the effect of autoclaving and 10% formalin storage on extracted teeth: A microleakage evaluation
K Attam, S Talwar, S Yadav, S Miglani
Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 12 (1), 26-30, 2009
Evaluation of biocompatibility and osteogenic potential of tricalcium silicate–based cements using human bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells
N Sultana, M Singh, RR Nawal, S Chaudhry, S Yadav, S Mohanty, ...
Journal of endodontics 44 (3), 446-451, 2018
Genome wide analysis of Cyclophilin gene family from rice and Arabidopsis and its comparison with yeast
DK Trivedi, S Yadav, N Vaid, N Tuteja
Plant signaling & behavior 7 (12), 1653-1666, 2012
Green protocol for annulation of the s-triazine ring on thiazoles using a three-component coupling strategy
LDS Yadav, S Yadav, VK Rai
Green Chemistry 8 (5), 455-458, 2006
Association of Genomic Domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness
VL Patel, EL Busch, TM Friebel, A Cronin, G Leslie, L McGuffog, J Adlard, ...
Cancer research 80 (3), 624-638, 2020
PDH45 transgenic rice maintain cell viability through lower accumulation of Na+, ROS and calcium homeostasis in roots under salinity stress
M Nath, S Yadav, RK Sahoo, N Passricha, R Tuteja, N Tuteja
Journal of plant physiology 191, 1-11, 2016
Outcome of partial and full pulpotomy in cariously exposed mature molars with symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis: a randomized controlled trial
A Jassal, RR Nawal, S Yadav, S Talwar, S Yadav, HF Duncan
International Endodontic Journal 56 (3), 331-344, 2023
Isolation and characterization of an Indian orf virus from goats
M Hosamani, S Yadav, DJ Kallesh, B Mondal, V Bhanuprakash, RK Singh
Zoonoses and Public Health 54 (5), 204-208, 2007
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