Sabrina Servanty
Sabrina Servanty
Post-doc, INRA Saint-Pée sur Nivelle, UMR Ecobiop (Behavioral Ecology and Fish Population Biology)
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The influence of landscape structure on female roe deer home-range size
S Saïd, S Servanty
Landscape Ecology 20 (8), 1003-1012, 2005
Influence of harvesting pressure on demographic tactics: implications for wildlife management
S Servanty, JM Gaillard, F Ronchi, S Focardi, E Baubet, O Gimenez
Journal of Applied Ecology 48, 835-843, 2011
Demography of an apex predator at the edge of its range: impacts of changing sea ice on polar bears in Hudson Bay
NJ Lunn, S Servanty, EV Regehr, SJ Converse, E Richardson, I Stirling
Ecological Applications 26 (5), 1302-1320, 2016
Pulsed resources and climate‐induced variation in the reproductive traits of wild boar under high hunting pressure
S Servanty, JM Gaillard, C Toïgo, S Brandt, E Baubet
Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (6), 1278-1290, 2009
Disentangling natural from hunting mortality in an intensively hunted wild boar population
C Toïgo, S Servanty, JM Gaillard, S Brandt, E Baubet
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (7), 1532-1539, 2008
High hunting pressure selects for earlier birth date: wild boar as a case study
M Gamelon, A Besnard, JM Gaillard, S Servanty, E Baubet, S Brandt, ...
Evolution 65 (11), 3100-3112, 2011
Ecological correlates of home‐range size in spring–summer for female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a deciduous woodland
S Saïd, JM Gaillard, P Duncan, N Guillon, N Guillon, S Servanty, ...
Journal of Zoology 267 (3), 301-308, 2005
Litter size and fetal sex ratio adjustment in a highly polytocous species: the wild boar
S Servanty, JM Gaillard, D Allainé, S Brandt, E Baubet
Behavioral Ecology 18 (2), 427-432, 2007
Making use of harvest information to examine alternative management scenarios: a body weight‐structured model for wild boar
M Gamelon, JM Gaillard, S Servanty, O Gimenez, C Toïgo, E Baubet, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 49, 833-841, 2012
Assessing whether mortality is additive using marked animals: a Bayesian state-space modeling approach
S Servanty, R Choquet, É Baubet, S Brandt, JM Gaillard, M Schaub, ...
Ecology 91 (7), 1916-1923, 2010
Demography of a reintroduced population: moving toward management models for an endangered species, the whooping crane
S Servanty, SJ Converse, LL Bailey
Ecological Applications 24 (5), 927-937, 2014
Dynamique d'une population chassée de sangliers (Sus scrofa scrofa) en milieu forestier
S Servanty
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, 2007
Régime alimentaire du sanglier (Sus scrofa L.) en milieu forestier de plaine agricole
S Brandt, E Baubet, J Vassant, S Servanty
Faune Sauvage 273, 20-27, 2006
Tagging piglets at the farrowing nest in the wild: some preliminary guidelines
E Baubet, S Servanty, S Brandt
Acta Silv. Lign. Hung 5, 159-166, 2009
Mise à jour et standardisation des séries chronologiques d'abondance du saumon atlantique sur les cours d'eau de l'ORE DiaPFC et la Bresle.
S Servanty, E Prévost
How can quantitative ecology be attractive to young scientists? Balancing computer/desk work with fieldwork
O Gimenez, F Abadi, JY Barnagaud, L Blanc, M Buoro, S Cubaynes, ...
Animal Conservation 16, 134-136, 2013
Mortalité naturelle et mortalité liée à la chasse: le cas du sanglier.
C Toïgo, S Servanty, JM Gaillard, S Brandt, E Baubet
Faune Sauvage 288 (3), 19-22, 2010
Demography and Population Status of Polar Bears in Western Hudson Bay, Canada
NJ Lunn, S Servanty, EV Regehr, SJ Converse, E Richardson, I Stirling
Environment Canada Research Report, 2014
Population dynamics of reintroduced Whooping Cranes
SJ Converse, S Servanty, CT Moore, MC Runge
Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation, 139-160, 2019
Améliorer la connaissance du fonctionnement démographique des populations de sangliers: vers une meilleure gestion de l’espèce Sus scrofa
E Baubet, S Servanty, S Brandt, C Toïgo, F Klein
Rapport scientifique ONCFS, 30-33, 2004
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