Halim Mutlu
Halim Mutlu
Ankara University, Department of Geological Eng.
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Helium isotope variations in Turkey: relationship to tectonics, volcanism and recent seismic activities
N Güleç, DR Hilton, H Mutlu
Chemical Geology 187 (1-2), 129-142, 2002
Hydrogeochemical outline of thermal waters and geothermometry applications in Anatolia (Turkey)
H Mutlu, N Güleç
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 85 (1-4), 495-515, 1998
Helium–carbon relationships in geothermal fluids of western Anatolia, Turkey
H Mutlu, N Güleç, DR Hilton
Chemical Geology 247 (1-2), 305-321, 2008
Regional and temporal variations in CO2/3He, 3He/4He and δ13C along the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
GAM De Leeuw, DR Hilton, N Güleç, H Mutlu
Applied Geochemistry 25 (4), 524-539, 2010
Chemical geothermometry and fluid–mineral equilibria for the Ömer–Gecek thermal waters, Afyon area, Turkey
H Mutlu
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 80 (3-4), 303-321, 1998
Clay mineralogical and isotopic (K–Ar, δ18O, δD) constraints on the evolution of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
IT Uysal, H Mutlu, E Altunel, V Karabacak, SD Golding
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 243 (1-2), 181-194, 2006
Major-ion geochemistry and mineralogy of the Salt Lake (Tuz Gölü) basin, Turkey
MZ Camur, H Mutlu
Chemical geology 127 (4), 313-329, 1996
Hydrogeochemistry of geothermal waters in eastern Turkey: Geochemical and isotopic constraints on water-rock interaction
H Aydin, H Karakuş, H Mutlu
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 390, 106708, 2020
Geochemistry and origin of the Şaphane alunite deposit, Western Anatolia, Turkey
H Mutlu, K Sariiz, S Kadir
Ore Geology Reviews 26 (1-2), 39-50, 2005
Constraints on the Origin of the Bal› kesir Thermal Waters (Turkey) from Stable Isotope (δ18O, δD, δ13C, δ34S) and Major-Trace Element Compositions
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 16 (1), 13-32, 2007
Geochemical monitoring of geothermal waters (2002–2004) along the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey: spatial and temporal variations and relationship to seismic activity
S Süer, N Güleç, H Mutlu, DR Hilton, C Çifter, M Sayin
Pure and applied Geophysics 165, 17-43, 2008
CO2 emission from geothermal power plants in Turkey
N Aksoy, OS Gok, H Mutlu, G Kilinc
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 2015, 2015
Spatial variations in gas and stable isotope compositions of thermal fluids around Lake Van: implications for crust–mantle dynamics in eastern Turkey
H Mutlu, N Güleç, DR Hilton, H Aydın, SA Halldórsson
Chemical Geology 300, 165-176, 2012
Mineralogy and water chemistry of the Lake Acigol, Denizli, Turkey
H Mutlu, S Kadir, A Akbulut
Carbonates and Evaporites 14 (2), 191-199, 1999
Hydrogen and 40Ar/39Ar isotope evidence for multiple and protracted paleofluid flow events within the long‐lived North Anatolian Keirogen (Turkey)
A Boles, B van der Pluijm, A Mulch, H Mutlu, IT Uysal, LN Warr
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1975-1987, 2015
U-Th age evidence from carbonate veins for episodic crustal deformation of Central Anatolian Volcanic Province
V Karabacak, IT Uysal, E Ünal-İmer, H Mutlu, J Zhao
Quaternary Science Reviews 177, 158-172, 2017
Fluid infiltration effects on stable isotope systematics of the Susurluk skarn deposit, NW Turkey
A Orhan, H Mutlu, AE Fallick
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 40 (2), 550-568, 2011
Are U‐Th Dates Correlated With Historical Records of Earthquakes? Constraints From Coseismic Carbonate Veins Within the North Anatolian Fault Zone
V Karabacak, IT Uysal, H Mutlu, E Ünal‐İmer, RK Dirik, Y Feng, S Akıska, ...
Tectonics 38 (7), 2431-2448, 2019
Geochemical, microthermometric, and isotopic constraints on the origin of fluorite deposits in central Anatolia, Turkey
P Coşanay, E Kirat, N Cevik, C Kizilkanat, H Mutlu, Ş Koç
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 26 (3), 206-226, 2017
Geochemical assessment of thermal waters from the Afyon geothermal area: geothermometry applications and fluid-mineral equilibria
H Mutlu
Middle East Technical University, 1996
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Articles 1–20