Wang Rong
Wang Rong
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Cited by
Multiview clustering: A scalable and parameter-free bipartite graph fusion method
X Li, H Zhang, R Wang, F Nie
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (1), 330-344, 2020
Multi-view spectral clustering via integrating nonnegative embedding and spectral embedding
Z Hu, F Nie, R Wang, X Li
Information Fusion 55, 251-259, 2020
Fast and orthogonal locality preserving projections for dimensionality reduction
R Wang, F Nie, R Hong, X Chang, X Yang, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (10), 5019-5030, 2017
Fast spectral clustering with anchor graph for large hyperspectral images
R Wang, F Nie, W Yu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (11), 2003-2007, 2017
Robust 2DPCA With Non-greedy -Norm Maximization for Image Analysis
R Wang, F Nie, X Yang, F Gao, M Yao
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (5), 1108-1112, 2014
Multi-view spectral clustering via sparse graph learning
Z Hu, F Nie, W Chang, S Hao, R Wang, X Li
Neurocomputing 384, 1-10, 2020
Fast multi-view clustering via nonnegative and orthogonal factorization
B Yang, X Zhang, F Nie, F Wang, W Yu, R Wang
IEEE transactions on image processing 30, 2575-2586, 2020
An effective and efficient algorithm for K-means clustering with new formulation
F Nie, Z Li, R Wang, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (4), 3433-3443, 2022
Coordinate Descent Method for -means
F Nie, J Xue, D Wu, R Wang, H Li, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (5), 2371-2385, 2021
Large graph clustering with simultaneous spectral embedding and discretization
Z Wang, Z Li, R Wang, F Nie, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (12), 4426 …, 2020
Towards Robust Discriminative Projections Learning via Non-Greedy -Norm MinMax
F Nie, Z Wang, R Wang, Z Wang, X Li
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (6), 2086-2100, 2019
Discriminative Feature Selection via A Structured Sparse Subspace Learning Module.
Z Wang, F Nie, L Tian, R Wang, X Li
IJCAI, 3009-3015, 2020
Parameter-free weighted multi-view projected clustering with structured graph learning
R Wang, F Nie, Z Wang, H Hu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (10), 2014-2025, 2019
Multi-view clustering via nonnegative and orthogonal graph reconstruction
S Shi, F Nie, R Wang, X Li
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 34 (1), 201-214, 2021
Low rank regularization: A review
Z Hu, F Nie, R Wang, X Li
Neural Networks 136, 218-232, 2021
Feature learning viewpoint of AdaBoost and a new algorithm
F Wang, Z Li, F He, R Wang, W Yu, F Nie
IEEE Access 7, 149890-149899, 2019
Scalable graph-based clustering with nonnegative relaxation for large hyperspectral image
R Wang, F Nie, Z Wang, F He, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (10), 7352-7364, 2019
Subspace sparse discriminative feature selection
F Nie, Z Wang, L Tian, R Wang, X Li
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 52 (6), 4221-4233, 2020
Fast fuzzy clustering based on anchor graph
F Nie, C Liu, R Wang, Z Wang, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 30 (7), 2375-2387, 2021
Fast spectral clustering learning with hierarchical bipartite graph for large-scale data
X Yang, W Yu, R Wang, G Zhang, F Nie
Pattern Recognition Letters 130, 345-352, 2020
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Articles 1–20