Hiran Ekanayake
Hiran Ekanayake
Senior Lecturer
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P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG
H Ekanayake
Web publication http://neurofeedback. visaduma. info/emotivresearch. htm 133, 2010
Comparing expert driving behavior in real world and simulator contexts
HB Ekanayake, P Backlund, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage, ...
International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2013 (1), 891431, 2013
Behavior-based robotics and the reactive paradigm a survey
L De Silva, H Ekanayake
2008 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 36-43, 2008
Biofeedback based computational approach for working stress reduction through meditation technique
J Perera, LM Rathnarajah, HB Ekanayake
2016 Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging …, 2016
Assessing performance competence in training games
H Ekanayake, P Backlund, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, K Hewagamage
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Fourth International …, 2011
Research use of emotiv epoc
H Ekanayake
last visited on, 12-01, 2014
Cognitive architecture for affective eLearning
H Ekanayake, DD Karunarathna, KP Hewagamage
computer science (cognitive modeling) 3, 16, 2006
Game interaction state graphs for evaluation of user engagement in explorative and experience-based training games
H Ekanayake, P Backlund, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, K Hewagamage
2010 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer …, 2010
P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG (2010)
H Ekanayake
Web publication, 2010
Comparing Expert and Novice Driving Behaviour in a Driving Simulator
HB Ekanayake, B Per, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage, ...
IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture (s), 115-131, 2013
Determining the psychological involvement in multimedia interactions
H Ekanayake, D Karunarathna, K Hewagamage
The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions 2 (1), 2009
RSSI Based Real-Time and Secure Smart Parking Management System
T Weliwita, H Ekanayake
2020 IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of …, 2020
Automated Fire Controlling for Structured Zones by Autonomous Robots
L Fernando, H Ekanayake, N Ranasinghe
2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, 39-44, 2006
A Notarization Authority for the Next Generation of E-Mail Systems
H Ekanayake, K De Zoysa, R Dayarathna
Proceedings of the 5th International Information Technology Conference, 166-170, 2003
Validating User Engagement and Effectiveness of Training Simulations: A mixed-methods approach informed by embodied cognition and psychophysiological measures
HB Ekanayake
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 2015
Affective realism of animated films in the development of simulation-based tutoring systems
HB Ekanayake, U Fors, R Ramberg, T Ziemke, P Backlund, ...
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 11 (2), 96-109, 2013
An Autonomous Robot for Controlling Fire in a Structured Environment
MLE Fernando, H Ekanayake, DN Ranasinghe
Innovations for a Knowledge Economy, 135, 2006
Behavior-based Cognitive Architecture for Meditative E-Learning
H Ekanayake, DD Karunarathna, KP Hewagamage
Innovations for a Knowledge Economy, 80, 2006
Research Article Comparing Expert Driving Behavior in Real World and Simulator Contexts
HB Ekanayake, P Backlund, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage, ...
A Psychological Identification for Computer Security
H Ekanayake, R Dayarathna
Innovations for a Knowledge Economy, 249, 2006
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Articles 1–20