Francis Huang
Francis Huang
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Authoritative school discipline: High school practices associated with lower bullying and victimization.
A Gregory, D Cornell, X Fan, P Sheras, TH Shih, F Huang
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (2), 483, 2010
Perceived prevalence of teasing and bullying predicts high school dropout rates.
D Cornell, A Gregory, F Huang, X Fan
Journal of educational psychology 105 (1), 138, 2013
Alternatives to multilevel modeling for the analysis of clustered data
FL Huang
The Journal of Experimental Education 84 (1), 175-196, 2016
Is experience the best teacher? A multilevel analysis of teacher characteristics and student achievement in low performing schools
FL Huang, TR Moon
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 21, 209-234, 2009
Teacher job satisfaction by principal support and teacher cooperation: Results from the schools and staffing survey
A Olsen, F Huang
Education policy analysis archives 27, 11-11, 2019
An examination of restorative interventions and racial equity in out-of-school suspensions
A Gregory, FL Huang, Y Anyon, E Greer, B Downing
School Psychology Review 47 (2), 167-182, 2018
Authoritative school climate and high school student risk behavior: A cross-sectional multi-level analysis of student self-reports
D Cornell, F Huang
Journal of youth and adolescence 45 (11), 2246-2259, 2016
Racial/ethnic differences in perceptions of school climate and its association with student engagement and peer aggression
T Konold, D Cornell, K Shukla, F Huang
Journal of youth and adolescence 46, 1289-1303, 2017
Multilevel modeling myths.
FL Huang
School Psychology Quarterly 33 (3), 492, 2018
Student and teacher perceptions on student-teacher relationship quality: A middle school perspective
SL Prewett, DA Bergin, FL Huang
School Psychology International 40 (1), 66-87, 2019
Multilevel multi-informant structure of the authoritative school climate survey.
T Konold, D Cornell, F Huang, P Meyer, A Lacey, E Nekvasil, A Heilbrun, ...
School Psychology Quarterly 29 (3), 238, 2014
Effects of validity screening items on adolescent survey data.
D Cornell, J Klein, T Konold, F Huang
Psychological assessment 24 (1), 21, 2012
Individual and school predictors of teacher stress, coping, and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
KC Herman, J Sebastian, WM Reinke, FL Huang
School psychology 36 (6), 483, 2021
It takes a village: The effects of 10th grade college-going expectations of students, parents, and teachers four years later
A Gregory, F Huang
American journal of community psychology 52, 41-55, 2013
Student attitudes and behaviors as explanations for the Black-White suspension gap
FL Huang, DG Cornell
Children and youth services review 73, 298-308, 2017
School teasing and bullying after the presidential election
FL Huang, DG Cornell
Educational Researcher 48 (2), 69-83, 2019
Do Black students misbehave more? Investigating the differential involvement hypothesis and out-of-school suspensions
FL Huang
The Journal of Educational Research 111 (3), 284-294, 2018
The relationship of school climate with out-of-school suspensions
FL Huang, D Cornell
Children and Youth Services Review 94, 378-389, 2018
The impact of definition and question order on the prevalence of bullying victimization using student self-reports.
FL Huang, DG Cornell
Psychological assessment 27 (4), 1484, 2015
Successive teacher expectation effects across the early school years
CM Rubie-Davies, RS Weinstein, FL Huang, A Gregory, PA Cowan, ...
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (3), 181-191, 2014
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Articles 1–20