Mark Nejad
Mark Nejad
Associate Professor, University of Delaware
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Cited by
Access control for electronic health records with hybrid blockchain-edge architecture
H Guo, W Li, M Nejad, CC Shen
2019 IEEE international conference on blockchain (Blockchain), 44-51, 2019
Cloud federations in the sky: Formation game and mechanism
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, D Grosu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 3 (1), 14 - 27, 2015
Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds
MM Nejad, L Mashayekhy, D Grosu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (2), 594-603, 2015
Energy-aware scheduling of mapreduce jobs for big data applications
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, D Grosu, Q Zhang, W Shi
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (10), 2720-2733, 2015
An Online Mechanism for Resource Allocation and Pricing in Clouds
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, D Grosu, A Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (4), 1172-1184, 2016
Traffic Prediction using Artificial Intelligence: Review of Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities
M Shaygan, C Meese, W Li, X Zhao, M Nejad
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2022
Privacy-Preserving Traffic Management: A Blockchain and Zero-Knowledge Proof Inspired Approach
W Li, H Guo, M Nejad, CC Shen
IEEE Access, 2020
Influence of CAV Clustering Strategies on Mixed Traffic Flow Characteristics: An Analysis of Vehicle Trajectory Data
Z Zhong, E Lee, M Nejad, J Lee
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2020
A PTAS Mechanism for Provisioning and Allocation of Heterogeneous Cloud Resources
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, D Grosu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (9), 2386-2399, 2015
Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Intersection Management: A Survey
Z Zhong, M Nejad, E Lee
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 13 (2), 53-70, 2021
Attribute-based Multi-Signature and Encryption for EHR Management: A Blockchain-based Solution
H Guo, W Li, E Meamari, M Nejad, CC Shen
Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency …, 2020
Physical Machine Resource Management in Clouds: A Mechanism Design Approach
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, D Grosu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 3 (3), 247-260, 2015
Proof-of-Event Recording System for Autonomous Vehicles: A Blockchain-based Solution
H Guo, W Li, M Nejad, CC Shen
IEEE Access, 2020
Energy-aware scheduling of mapreduce jobs
L Mashayekhy, MM Nejad, D Grosu, D Lu, W Shi
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 32-39, 2014
A Trust-Aware Mechanism for Cloud Federation Formation
L Mashayekhy, M Nejad, G Daniel
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 9 (4), 1278 - 1292, 2021
Incentive-compatible online mechanisms for resource provisioning and allocation in clouds
L Mashayekhy, MM Nejad, D Grosu, AV Vasilakos
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud …, 2014
Designing customer-oriented catalogs in e-CRM using an effective self-adaptive genetic algorithm
I Mahdavi, M Movahednejad, F Adbesh
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (1), 631-639, 2011
Blockchain-enabled Identity Verification for Safe Ridesharing Leveraging Zero-Knowledge Proof
W Li, C Meese, H Guo, M Nejad
Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric …, 2020
A Blockchain-Based Architecture for Traffic Signal Control Systems
W Li, M Nejad, R Zhang
Proc. of the IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (IEEE ICIOT …, 2019
BFRT: Blockchained Federated Learning for Real-time Traffic Flow Prediction
C Meese, H Chen, SA Asif, W Li, CC Shen, M Nejad
Proc. of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2022
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Articles 1–20