Matthew May
Cited by
Cited by
The Emerging Strong Program in the Sociology of Religion
D Smilde, M May
Social Science Research Council Working Paper, 1, 2010
Should I stay or should I go? Religious (dis) affiliation and depressive symptomatology
M May
Society and Mental Health 8 (3), 214-230, 2018
Causality, Normativity, and Diversity in 40 years of US sociology of Religion: Contributions to Paradigmatic Reflection
D Smilde, M May
Sociology of Religion 76 (4), 369-388, 2015
Integration of arts and humanities in medical education: a narrative review
R Smydra, M May, V Taranikanti, M Mi
Journal of Cancer Education, 1-8, 2022
Religious affiliation and work–family conflict among women and men
M May, J Reynolds
Journal of Family Issues 39 (7), 1797-1826, 2018
Minority participation and well-being in majority Catholic nations: what does it mean to be a religious minority?
M May, D Smilde
Journal of Religion and Health 55, 874-894, 2016
Not by bread alone: Mobility experiences, religion, and optimism about future mobility
J Reynolds, M May, H Xian
Socius 5, 2378023119849807, 2019
Religion, motherhood, and the spirit of capitalism
J Reynolds, M May
Social currents 1 (2), 173-188, 2014
Intersectionopoly: A Simulation of the Wage Gap
M Paino, M May, LA Burrington, JH Becker
Teaching Sociology 45 (2), 177-186, 2017
Superordinate Ties, Value Orientations, and Congregations’ Organizational Cultures
M May
Religions 11 (227), 2020
The emergence and decline of Southern Baptist congregations in a southeastern county, 1784–2011: An ecological analysis
M May
Review of Religious Research 60 (4), 455-475, 2018
Does Funding Impact Our Research? Causality, Normativity, and Diversity in 40 Years of US Sociology of Religion
M May, D Smilde
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 57 (3), 432-449, 2018
Simulating secularization: A Pedagogical Strategy for the Sociology of Religion
M May
Teaching Sociology 43 (1), 46-52, 2015
How Can Social Psychology and Group Dynamics Assist in Curriculum Development?
J Chin, M May, H Sullivan-Chin, K Woodrick
Teaching sociology 42 (2), 86-94, 2014
The emerging strong program in the sociology of religion. Social Science Research Council Working Paper
D Smilde, M May
University of Georgia, Department of Sociology, 2010
SOCI 391.53: Special Topics-Sociology of Religion
MB May
Strategies for Teaching Underprivileged and Underprepared Students in Higher Education
M Paino, M May
Emerging Stronger, 189-206, 2023
White Kids: Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America, by Margaret A. Hagerman. 2018. New York University Press: New York, NY. 280 Pages. $30.00 cloth. ISBN …
M May
Sociological Inquiry 89 (2), 339-341, 2019
Selling Salvation: Organizational Competition and the Southern Baptist Church
MB May
University of Georgia, 2015
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Articles 1–19