Kris Byron
Cited by
Cited by
A meta-analytic review of work–family conflict and its antecedents
K Byron
Journal of Vocational Behavior 67 (2), 169-198, 2005
Women on boards and firm financial performance: A meta-analysis
C Post, K Byron
Academy of Management Journal 58 (5), 1546-1571, 2015
Women on boards of directors and corporate social performance: A meta‐analysis
K Byron, C Post
Corporate Governance: An International Review 24 (4), 428-442, 2016
The relationship between stressors and creativity: A meta-analysis examining competing theoretical models.
K Byron, S Khazanchi, D Nazarian
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (1), 201, 2010
CEO positive psychological traits, transformational leadership, and firm performance in high-technology start-up and established firms
SJ Peterson, FO Walumbwa, K Byron, J Myrowitz
Journal of Management, 2008
Carrying too heavy a load? The communication and miscommunication of emotion by email
K Byron
Academy of Management Review 33 (2), 309-327, 2008
Rewards and creative performance: A meta-analytic test of theoretically derived hypotheses.
K Byron, S Khazanchi
Psychological Bulletin 138 (4), 809, 2012
Exploring the role of hope in job performance: Results from four studies
SJ Peterson, K Byron
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008
Quitting the boss? The role of manager influence tactics and employee emotional engagement in voluntary turnover
CS Reina, KM Rogers, SJ Peterson, K Byron, PW Hom
Journal of leadership & organizational studies 25 (1), 5-18, 2018
Dominating interpersonal behavior and perceived victimization in groups: Evidence for a curvilinear relationship
K Aquino, K Byron
Journal of Management 28 (1), 69-87, 2002
Board independence and corporate misconduct: A cross-national meta-analysis
F Neville, K Byron, C Post, A Ward
Journal of Management 45 (6), 2538-2569, 2019
A meta-analytic investigation of the relationship of state and trait anxiety to performance on figural and verbal creative tasks
K Byron, S Khazanchi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (2), 269-283, 2011
E-mail recipients' impressions of senders' likability: The interactive effect of nonverbal cues and recipients' personality
K Byron, DC Baldridge
Journal of Business Communication 44 (2), 137-160, 2007
Are better managers better at "reading" others? Testing the claim that emotional intelligence predicts managerial performance.
KL Byron
The impact of a large‐scale traumatic event on individual and organizational outcomes: Exploring employee and company reactions to September 11, 2001
K Byron, S Peterson
Journal of Organizational Behavior 23 (8), 895-910, 2002
Nonverbal emotion recognition and salespersons: Linking ability to perceived and actual success
K Byron, S Terranova, S Nowicki Jr
Journal of applied social psychology 37 (11), 2600-2619, 2007
Diplomas, photos, & tchotchkes as symbolic self-representations: Understanding employees' individual use of symbols
K Byron, G Laurence
Academy of Management Journal, 2014
Introduction to special topic forum: The changing nature of work relationships
ED Heaphy, K Byron, GA Ballinger, JH Gittell, C Leana, DM Sluss
Academy of Management Review 43 (4), 558-569, 2018
"What I know now that I wish I knew then": Teaching theory and theory-building
K Byron, S Thatcher
Academy of Management Review, amr. 2015.0094, 2015
Realizing challenges and guarding against threats: Interactive effects of regulatory focus and stress on performance
K Byron, SJ Peterson, Z Zhang, JA LePine
Journal of Management 44 (8), 3011-3037, 2018
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Articles 1–20