Nicole Koenig-Lewis
Nicole Koenig-Lewis
Professor of Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
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Predicting young consumers' take up of mobile banking services
N Koenig‐Lewis, A Palmer, A Moll
International journal of bank marketing 28 (5), 410-432, 2010
An experiential, social network‐based approach to direct marketing
A Palmer, N Koenig‐Lewis
Direct Marketing: An International Journal 3 (3), 162-176, 2009
Enjoyment and social influence: predicting mobile payment adoption
N Koenig-Lewis, M Marquet, A Palmer, AL Zhao
The Service Industries Journal 35 (10), 537-554, 2015
Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging–Rational and emotional approaches
N Koenig-Lewis, A Palmer, J Dermody, A Urbye
Journal of environmental psychology 37, 94-105, 2014
Seasonality research: the state of the art
N Koenig, EE Bischoff
International Journal of Tourism Research 7, 201-219, 2005
The effects of residents' social identity and involvement on their advocacy of incoming tourism
A Palmer, N Koenig-Lewis, LEM Jones
Tourism Management 38, 142-151, 2013
Festivals as agents for behaviour change: A study of food festival engagement and subsequent food choices
K Organ, N Koenig-Lewis, A Palmer, J Probert
Tourism management 48, 84-99, 2015
Adoption of internet banking services in China: is it all about trust?
A Lifen Zhao, N Koenig‐Lewis, S Hanmer‐Lloyd, P Ward
International journal of bank marketing 28 (1), 7-26, 2010
Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: The mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity
J Dermody, S Hanmer-Lloyd, N Koenig-Lewis, AL Zhao
Journal of Marketing Management 31 (13-14), 1472-1502, 2015
Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: Evidence from China and Poland
J Dermody, N Koenig-Lewis, AL Zhao, S Hanmer-Lloyd
Journal of Business Research 86, 333-343, 2018
The effects of anticipatory emotions on service satisfaction and behavioral intention
N Koenig-Lewis, A Palmer
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (6), 437-451, 2014
Brand identification in higher education: A conditional process analysis
A Palmer, N Koenig-Lewis, Y Asaad
Journal of business research 69 (8), 3033-3040, 2016
Analyzing seasonality in Welsh room occupancy data
N Koenig, EE Bischoff
Annals of Tourism research 31 (2), 374-392, 2004
Seasonality of tourism in Wales: A comparative analysis
N Koenig, EE Bischoff
Tourism Economics 9 (3), 229-254, 2003
Sports events and interaction among spectators: Examining antecedents of spectators’ value creation
N Koenig-Lewis, Y Asaad, A Palmer
European Sport Management Quarterly 18 (2), 193-215, 2018
VFR tourism: The importance of university students as hosts
EE Bischoff, N Koenig‐Lewis
International Journal of Tourism Research 9 (6), 465-484, 2007
Experiential values over time–a comparison of measures of satisfaction and emotion
N Koenig-Lewis, A Palmer
Journal of marketing management 24 (1-2), 69-85, 2008
Developing effective strategies for tackling seasonality in the tourism industry
N Koenig-Lewis, EE Bischoff
Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 7 (4), 395-413, 2010
Public Value
A Lindgreen, N Koenig-Lewis, M Kitchener, JD Brewer, MH Moore, ...
Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice …, 2019
The effects of passage of time on alumni recall of ‘student experience’
N Koenig‐Lewis, Y Asaad, A Palmer, E Petersone
Higher Education Quarterly 70 (1), 59-80, 2016
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