William Sailor
William Sailor
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A nuclear solution to climate change?
WC Sailor, D Bodansky, C Braun, S Fetter, B van der Zwaan
Science 288 (5469), 1177-1178, 2000
Polarization transfer in quasifree (p→, n→) reactions at 495 MeV
XY Chen, TN Taddeucci, JB McClelland, TA Carey, RC Byrd, LJ Rybarcyk, ...
Physical Review C 47 (5), 2159, 1993
Zero-degree cross sections for the Li 7 (p, n) 7 Be (gs+ 0.43-MeV) reaction in the energy range 80–795 MeV
TN Taddeucci, WP Alford, M Barlett, RC Byrd, TA Carey, DE Ciskowski, ...
Physical Review C 41 (6), 2548, 1990
Quasifree polarization-transfer measurements in the (p→, n→) reaction at 495 MeV
JB McClelland, TN Taddeucci, XY Chen, WP Alford, RC Byrd, TA Carey, ...
Physical review letters 69 (4), 582, 1992
Scintillating‐fiber 14 MeV neutron detector on TFTR during DT operation
GA Wurden, RE Chrien, CW Barnes, WC Sailor, AL Roquemore, ...
Review of scientific instruments 66 (1), 901-903, 1995
Low‐loss microwave cavity using layered‐dielectric materials
CJ Maggiore, AM Clogston, G Spalek, WC Sailor, FM Mueller
Applied Physics Letters 64 (11), 1451-1453, 1994
Neutron detection efficiency for NE213 and BC501 scintillators at energies between 25 and 200 MeV
RC Byrd, WC Sailor
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1989
Long-term uranium supply estimates
EA Schneider, WC Sailor
Nuclear technology 162 (3), 379-387, 2008
Analyzing Powers and Partial Wave Decomposition of at Low Energies
H Hahn, FA Duncan, J Aclander, D Ashery, EG Auld, DR Gill, ...
Physical review letters 82 (11), 2258, 1999
Civilian nuclear cooperation and the proliferation of nuclear weapons
C Bluth, M Kroenig, R Lee, WC Sailor, M Fuhrmann
International Security 35 (1), 184-200, 2010
Disposition of nuclear waste using subcritical accelerator-driven systems: technology choices and implementation scenarios
F Venneri, MA Williamson, N Li, MG Houts, RA Morley, DE Beller, ...
Nuclear Technology 132 (1), 15-29, 2000
Comparison of accelerator-based with reactor-based nuclear waste transmutation schemes
WC Sailor, CA Beard, F Venneri, JW Davidson
Progress in Nuclear Energy 28 (4), 359-390, 1994
Augmented-plane-wave method for photonic band-gap materials
WC Sailor, FM Mueller, PR Villeneuve
Physical Review B 57 (15), 8819, 1998
Cross sections and analyzing powers for quasielastic scattering at 795 and 495 MeV using the (p→, n) reaction
DL Prout, C Zafiratos, TN Taddeucci, J Ullmann, RC Byrd, TA Carey, ...
Physical Review C 52 (1), 228, 1995
Conceptual design for a scintillating‐fiber neutron detector for fusion reactor plasma diagnostics
WC Sailor, CW Barnes, RE Chrien, GA Wurden
Review of scientific instruments 66 (1), 898-900, 1995
Disposition of nuclear waste using subcritical accelerator-driven systems
F Venneri, N Li, M Williamson, M Houts, G Lawrence
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 1998
Polarization transfer in (p,n) reactions at 318 and 494 MeV and the effective interaction
DJ Mercer, TN Taddeucci, LJ Rybarcyk, XY Chen, DL Prout, RC Byrd, ...
Physical Review Letters 71 (5), 684, 1993
A model for the performance of silicon microstrip detectors
WC Sailor, HJ Ziock, WW Kinnison, K Holzscheiter
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1991
Measurements and calculations of the performance of a multi-element neutron detector
RC Byrd, PL McGaughey, WC Sailor, RC Hammock, Y Yariv
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1992
Calculation of the pulse-height response of organic scintillators for neutron energies 28< En< 492 MeV
WC Sailor, RC Byrd, Y Yariv
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1989
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