Akihiko Nakayama
Akihiko Nakayama
Professor of Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
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Contribution of trapped air, deck superelevation, and nearby structures to bridge deck failure during a tsunami
JD Bricker, A Nakayama
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 140 (5), 05014002, 2014
Measurements in the thick axisymmetric boundary layer near the tail of a body of revolution
VC Patel, A Nakayama, R Damian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 63 (2), 345-367, 1974
Free-Stream Turbulence Effects on the Instantaneous Pressure and Forces on Cylinders of Rectangular Cross Section
H Noda, A Nakayama
Experiments in Fluids 34, 332-344, 2003
Characteristics of the flow around conventional and supercritical airfoils
A Nakayama
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 160, 155-179, 1985
On the influence of numerical schemes and subgrid-stress models on large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow past a square cylinder
A Nakayama, SN Vengadesan
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids 38 (3), 227-253, 2002
Experimental investigation of flowfield about a multielement airfoil
A Nakayama, HP Kreplin, HL Morgan
AIAA Journal 28 (1), 14-21, 1990
Curvature and pressure-gradient effects on a small-defect wake
A Nakayama
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 175, 215-246, 1987
Scour depths near coastal structures due to the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
JD Bricker, M Francis, A Nakayama
Journal of hydraulic research 50 (6), 637-641, 2012
CFD Analysis of Bridge Deck Failure Due to Tsunami
JD Bricker, K Kawashima, A Nakayama
International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great …, 2012
LES simulation of flow around a bluff body fitted with a splitter plate
A Nakayama, H Noda
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 85, 85-96, 2000
Simulation of flows over wavy rough boundaries
A Nakayama, K Sakio
Stanford University Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs 2002, 2002
Correlation for formation of inlet vortex
A Nakayama, JR Jones
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal 37, 508-510, 1999
Optimisation of mooring line parameters for offshore floating structures: A review paper
IA Ja'e, MOA Ali, A Yenduri, Z Nizamani, A Nakayama
Ocean Engineering 247, 110644, 2022
Reproducibility of flow past two dimensional rectangular cylinder in a homogeneous turbulent flow by LES
H Noda, A Nakayama
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 91 (1-2), 256-278, 2003
Large eddy simulation of vortex flow in intake channel of hydropower facility
A Nakayama, N Hisasue
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (4), 415-427, 2010
Calculation of the viscous resistance of bodies of revolution,
A Nakayama, VC Patel
Journal of Hydronautics 8 (4), 154-162, 1974
Modeling free-surface fluctuation effects for calculation of turbulent open-channel flows
A Nakayama, S Yokojima
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 3, 1-21, 2003
Interfacial PIV to resolve flows in the vicinity of curved surfaces
CV Nguyen, TD Nguyen, JC Wells, A Nakayama
Experiments in fluids 48, 577-587, 2010
The Turbulent Near Wake of a Flat Plate at Low Reynolds Number
A Nakayama, B Liu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 217, 157-162, 1990
Vortex formation in inlet flow near a wall
A Nakayama, JR Jones
34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, 1996
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Articles 1–20