JA Whitehead
JA Whitehead
Scientist Emeritus
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Finite bandwidth, finite amplitude convection
AC Newell, JA Whitehead
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 38 (2), 279-303, 1969
Mantle plumes and entrainment: isotopic evidence
SR Hart, EH Hauri, LA Oschmann, JA Whitehead
Science 256 (5056), 517-520, 1992
Dynamics of laboratory diapir and plume models
JA Whitehead Jr, DS Luther
Journal of Geophysical Research 80 (5), 705-717, 1975
Instabilities of convection rolls in a high Prandtl number fluid
FH Busse, JA Whitehead
J. Fluid Mech 47 (part 2), 305-320, 1971
Deepwater overflow through Luzon strait
T Qu, JB Girton, JA Whitehead
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C1), 2006
Experiments on flow focusing in soluble porous media, with applications to melt extraction from the mantle
PB Kelemen, JA Whitehead, E Aharonov, KA Jordahl
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B1), 475-496, 1995
Fluid dynamic and geochemical aspects of entrainment in mantle plumes
EH Hauri, JA Whitehead, SR Hart
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B12), 24275-24300, 1994
Channeling instability of upwelling melt in the mantle
E Aharonov, JA Whitehead, PB Kelemen, M Spiegelman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B10), 20433-20450, 1995
Segmentation of mid-ocean ridges
H Schouten, KD Klitgord, JA Whitehead
Nature 317 (6034), 225-229, 1985
A mechanism for magmatic accretion under spreading centres
JA Whitehead Jr, HJB Dick, H Schouten
Nature 312 (5990), 146-148, 1984
The physical significance of modons: Laboratory experiments and general integral constraints
GR Flierl, ME Stern, JA Whitehead
Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 7 (4), 233-263, 1983
Rotating hydraulics of strait and sill flows
JA Whitehead, A Leetmaa, RA Knox
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 6 (2), 101-125, 1974
Oscillatory and collective instabilities in large Prandtl number convection
FH Busse, JA Whitehead
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 66 (1), 67-79, 1974
Evolution of two-dimensional periodic Rayleigh convection cells of arbitrary wave-numbers
MM Chen, JA Whitehead
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 31 (1), 1-15, 1968
Topographic control of oceanic flows in deep passages and straits
JA Whitehead
Reviews of geophysics 36 (3), 423-440, 1998
A dense current flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid
C Cenedese, JA Whitehead, TA Ascarelli, M Ohiwa
Journal of Physical Oceanography 34 (1), 188-203, 2004
The intrusion of a density current along the coast of a rotating fluid
ME Stern, JA Whitehead, BL Hua
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 123, 237-265, 1982
The flux and mixing rates of Antarctic Bottom Water within the North Atlantic
JA Whitehead Jr, LV Worthington
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 87 (C10), 7903-7924, 1982
Turbulent mixing in stratified fluids: layer formation and energetics
YG Park, JA Whitehead, A Gnanadeskian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 279 (1), 279-311, 1994
Observations of solitary waves in a viscously deformable pipe
DR Scott, DJ Stevenson, JA Whitehead Jr
Nature 319 (6056), 759-761, 1986
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Articles 1–20