Agus Sigit Pramono
Agus Sigit Pramono
Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
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Analisis arus tiga fasa daya 197 KVA dengan menggunakan metode uji normalitas kolmogorov-smirnov
A Pramono, TJL Tama, T Waluyo
Jurnal RESISTOR (Rekayasa Sistem Komputer) 4 (2), 213-216, 2021
Analytical study and FEM simulation of the maximum varying blank holder force to prevent cracking on cylindrical cup deep drawing
S Candra, IML Batan, W Berata, AS Pramono
Procedia Cirp 26, 548-553, 2015
Modeling, prototyping and testing of regenerative electromagnetic shock absorber
AI Sultoni, IN Sutantra, AS Pramono
Applied Mechanics and Materials 493, 395-400, 2014
Experimental study of the influence of tooth profile modifications on spur gear dynamic strain and vibration
AS Pramono
Key Engineering Materials 306, 79-84, 2006
Analisa Bermacam Optimizer Pada Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Deteksi Pemakaian Masker Pengemudi Kendaraan
A Wikarta, AS Pramono, JB Ariatedja
Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) 1 (1), 69-72, 2020
Parametric beam modeling to predict the first natural bending frequency of thin wall box-shaped structures verified using experimental modal analysis
O Soegihardjo, B Pramujati, AS Pramono
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 11 (1), 77-86, 2017
Vibration energy harvesting on vehicle suspension using rotary and linear electromagnetic generator
AI Sultoni, IN Sutantra, AS Pramono
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 24 (1), 2013
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan Bisnis Berbasis Mobile pada Komunitas Pengusaha LAHECI (Laskar Henna Cilacap)
T Anwar, P Pribadi, A Pramono
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (3), 2018
Optimization in airless tires design using backpropagation neural network (BPNN) and genetic algorithm (GA) approaches
AS Pramono, MK Effendi
AIP conference proceedings 2187 (1), 2019
H∞ Multi-Objective Implementation for Energy Control of Electromagnetic Suspension
AI Sultoni, IN Sutantra, AS Pramono
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 9 (6), 542-547, 2015
Rancang Bangun Kendaraan Multiguna Pedesaan
AS Pramono
Laporan Kemajuan 2, 2014
Embraer new family of jets–meeting the current fatigue and damage tolerance requirements
W Concalves, A Pramono, CE Chaves
Proc. 22th ICAF Symposium of the Int. Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue …, 2004
A study of concave shoulder angle on the mechanical properties and fractography of friction stir welded AA6061-T651 joints
A Wahjudi, AS Pramono, IML Batan
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 28, 78-86, 2024
Analisis Efektivitas Pelatihan Singkat 3D Modelling, 3D Scanning, dan 3D Printing pada Siswa SMA
A Syaifudin, MK Effendi, AS Pramono, Y Kaelani, JB Ariatedja, D Harnany
Sewagati 6 (5), 598-606, 2022
Pengaruh Harga, Ulasan, Dan Tampilan Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Secara Online. Manager: Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, 3 (3), 421
A Pramono, A Eldine, L Muniroh
Simulation of Ironing Process for Bullet Case to Get Minimum Forming Force with Variation of Die Angle and Reduction Wall Thickness
MN Ali Mukhtar, IML Batan, B Pramujati, AS Pramono
Applied Mechanics and Materials 836, 197-202, 2016
Steering system kinematic and steady-state cornering analyses of the ITS electric car
U Wasiwitono, I Sidarta, AS Pramono, S Sutikno, A Wikarta
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series 1 (1), 2014
Simulation of metal flow to investigate the application of antilock brake mechanic system in deep drawing process of cup
S Candra, IML Batan, AS Pramono, B Pramujati
Advanced Materials Research 789, 367-372, 2013
Analisis Intensitas Penerangan Pada Laboratorium Komputer Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
A Pramono, A Ningsih
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer 14 (1), 151-162, 2023
Study on influences of linkage geometry on actively controlled double wishbone suspension
U Wasiwitono, AS Pramono, IN Sutantra
AIP Conference Proceedings 1983 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20