Tiffany Mathews
Tiffany Mathews
Education and Outreach Director, Penn State
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Cited by
Gene dose-dependent alterations in extraneuronal serotonin but not dopamine in mice with reduced serotonin transporter expression
TA Mathews, DE Fedele, FM Coppelli, AM Avila, DL Murphy, AM Andrews
Journal of neuroscience methods 140 (1-2), 169-181, 2004
Age-dependent motor deficits and dopaminergic dysfunction in DJ-1 null mice
L Chen, B Cagniard, T Mathews, S Jones, HC Koh, Y Ding, PM Carvey, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (22), 21418-21426, 2005
Exploring the relationship between serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: analysis of BDNF protein and extraneuronal 5-HT in mice with reduced serotonin transporter …
ME Szapacs, TA Mathews, L Tessarollo, WE Lyons, LA Mamounas, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 140 (1-2), 81-92, 2004
Developmental pesticide exposure reproduces features of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
JR Richardson, MM Taylor, SL Shalat, TS Guillot III, WM Caudle, ...
The FASEB Journal 29 (5), 1960, 2015
Effects of chronic alcohol exposure on dopamine uptake in rat nucleus accumbens and caudate putamen
EA Budygin, EB Oleson, TA Mathews, AK Läck, MR Diaz, BA McCool, ...
Psychopharmacology 193, 495-501, 2007
Dopamine and opioid systems interact within the nucleus accumbens to maintain monogamous pair bonds
SL Resendez, PC Keyes, JJ Day, C Hambro, CJ Austin, FK Maina, ...
elife 5, e15325, 2016
Conserved dorsal–ventral gradient of dopamine release and uptake rate in mice, rats and rhesus macaques
ES Calipari, KN Huggins, TA Mathews, SR Jones
Neurochemistry international 61 (7), 986-991, 2012
No role of the dopamine transporter in acute ethanol effects on striatal dopamine dynamics
TA Mathews, CE John, GB Lapa, EA Budygin, SR Jones
Synapse 60 (4), 288-294, 2006
Effect of moderate ethanol dose on dopamine uptake in rat nucleus accumbens in vivo
SR Jones, TA Mathews, EA Budygin
Synapse 60 (3), 251-255, 2006
Aberrant striatal dopamine transmitter dynamics in brain‐derived neurotrophic factor‐deficient mice
KE Bosse, FK Maina, JA Birbeck, MM France, JJP Roberts, ML Colombo, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 120 (3), 385-395, 2012
Functional fast scan cyclic voltammetry assay to characterize dopamine D2 and D3 autoreceptors in the mouse striatum
FK Maina, TA Mathews
ACS chemical neuroscience 1 (6), 450-462, 2010
Impaired brain dopamine and serotonin release and uptake in wistar rats following treatment with carboplatin
SV Kaplan, RA Limbocker, RC Gehringer, JL Divis, GL Osterhaus, ...
ACS chemical neuroscience 7 (6), 689-699, 2016
Altered striatal dopamine release following a sub-acute exposure to manganese
M Khalid, RA Aoun, TA Mathews
Journal of neuroscience methods 202 (2), 182-191, 2011
Local effects of acute ethanol on dopamine neurotransmission in the ventral striatum in C57BL/6 mice
EA Budygin, TA Mathews, GB Lapa, SR Jones
European journal of pharmacology 523 (1-3), 40-45, 2005
Greater ethanol-induced locomotor activation in DBA/2J versus C57BL/6J mice is not predicted by presynaptic striatal dopamine dynamics
JH Rose, ES Calipari, TA Mathews, SR Jones
PLoS One 8 (12), e83852, 2013
Simultaneous detection of monoamine and purine molecules using high-performance liquid chromatography with a boron-doped diamond electrode
JA Birbeck, TA Mathews
Analytical Chemistry 85 (15), 7398-7404, 2013
Striatal dopamine dynamics in mice following acute and repeated toluene exposure
AK Apawu, TA Mathews, SE Bowen
Psychopharmacology 232, 173-184, 2015
Ethanol-induced increases in extracellular dopamine are blunted in brain-derived neurotrophic factor heterozygous mice
KE Bosse, TA Mathews
Neuroscience letters 489 (3), 172-176, 2011
Effects of serotonin transporter inactivation on extracellular 5-HT levels, in vivo microdialysis recovery, and MDMA-induced release of serotonin and dopamine in mouse striatum
TA Mathews, DE Fedele, EL Unger, KP Lesch, DL Murphy, AM Andrews
Soc Neurosci Abstr 26 (624.3), 2000
Presynaptic dopamine dynamics in striatal brain slices with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
FK Maina, M Khalid, AK Apawu, TA Mathews
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 3464, 2012
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Articles 1–20