Samuel Bond
Samuel Bond
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Cited by
Anxious or angry? Effects of discrete emotions on the perceived helpfulness of online reviews
D Yin, SD Bond, H Zhang
MIS quarterly 38 (2), 539-560, 2014
Generating objectives: can decision makers articulate what they want?
SD Bond, KA Carlson, RL Keeney
Management Science 54 (1), 56-70, 2008
Why is the crowd divided? Attribution for dispersion in online word of mouth
SX He, SD Bond
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (6), 1509-1527, 2015
Keep your cool or let it out: Nonlinear effects of expressed arousal on perceptions of consumer reviews
D Yin, SD Bond, H Zhang
Journal of Marketing Research 54 (3), 447-463, 2017
Improving the generation of decision objectives
SD Bond, KA Carlson, RL Keeney
Decision Analysis 7 (3), 238-255, 2010
Information distortion in the evaluation of a single option
SD Bond, KA Carlson, MG Meloy, JE Russo, RJ Tanner
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 102 (2), 240-254, 2007
Beyond beauty: Design symmetry and brand personality
A Bajaj, SD Bond
Journal of Consumer Psychology 28 (1), 77-98, 2018
Anger in consumer reviews: Unhelpful but persuasive?
D Yin, SD Bond, H Zhang
MIS quarterly 45 (3), 2021
Speaking for “free”: Word of mouth in free-and paid-product settings
SD Bond, SX He, W Wen
Journal of Marketing Research 56 (2), 276-290, 2019
Word-of-mouth and the forecasting of consumption enjoyment
SX He, SD Bond
Journal of Consumer Psychology 23 (4), 464-482, 2013
Improving preference assessment: Limiting the effect of context through pre-exposure to attribute levels
KA Carlson, SD Bond
Management Science 52 (3), 410-421, 2006
Consumer judgment from a dual-systems perspective: Recent evidence and emerging issues
SD Bond, JR Bettman, MF Luce
Review of marketing research, 3-37, 2017
Dreading and ranting: the distinct effects of anxiety and anger in online seller reviews
D Yin, S Bond, H Zhang
Precommitment bias in the evaluation of a single option
SD Bond, KA Carlson, MG Meloy, JE Russo, RJ Tanner
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 102 (2), 240-54, 2007
Are bad reviews always stronger than good? Asymmetric negativity bias in the formation of online consumer trust
D Yin, S Bond, H Zhang
Attribute dismissal and valence effects in preferential decision processing
ML Hair, SD Bond
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 31 (1), 164-178, 2018
Effects of design symmetry on perceptions of brand personality
A Bajaj, S Bond
Advances in Consumer Research 42, 402, 2014
How should I think about it? Perceived suitability and the resolution of simultaneous conflicting preferences
SD Bond
Duke University, 2007
Differential Effect of Smart Device Recommendation on Consumption Likelihood of Vice and Virtue Products
RS Gupta, S Mookherjee, I Paul, S Bond
Advances in Consumer Research 47, 836-837, 2019
The Impact of Product Review Writing on Attitude Formation.
S Xihao He, S Bond
Advances in Consumer Research 36, 2009
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Articles 1–20