Martin Peterlechner
Martin Peterlechner
Laboratory for Electron Microscopy (LEM), KIT
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Cited by
Arylazopyrazoles as light-responsive molecular switches in cyclodextrin-based supramolecular systems
L Stricker, EC Fritz, M Peterlechner, NL Doltsinis, BJ Ravoo
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (13), 4547-4554, 2016
Al3 (Sc, Zr)-based precipitates in Al–Mg alloy: Effect of severe deformation
Y Buranova, V Kulitskiy, M Peterlechner, A Mogucheva, R Kaibyshev, ...
Acta Materialia 124, 210-224, 2017
Optical parametric generation in a lithium niobate microring with modal phase matching
R Luo, Y He, H Liang, M Li, J Ling, Q Lin
Physical Review Applied 11 (3), 034026, 2019
Density changes in shear bands of a metallic glass determined by correlative analytical transmission electron microscopy
H Rösner, M Peterlechner, C Kübel, V Schmidt, G Wilde
Ultramicroscopy 142, 1-9, 2014
pH-Switchable ampholytic supramolecular copolymers.
H Frisch, JP Unsleber, D Lüdeker, M Peterlechner, G Brunklaus, M Waller, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (38), 2013
Quantitative measurement of density in a shear band of metallic glass monitored along its propagation direction
V Schmidt, H Rösner, M Peterlechner, G Wilde, PM Voyles
Physical review letters 115 (3), 035501, 2015
High strength and ductile ultrafine-grained Cu–Ag alloy through bimodal grain size, dislocation density and solute distribution
KS Raju, VS Sarma, A Kauffmann, Z Hegedűs, J Gubicza, M Peterlechner, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (1), 228-238, 2013
Nanoscale amorphization of severely deformed NiTi shape memory alloys
M Peterlechner, T Waitz, HP Karnthaler
Scripta Materialia 60 (12), 1137-1140, 2009
Nanocrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloys made amorphous by high-pressure torsion
M Peterlechner, T Waitz, HP Karnthaler
Scripta Materialia 59 (5), 566-569, 2008
Effect of heat treatment on diffusion, internal friction, microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-fine-grained nickel severely deformed by equal-channel angular pressing
SV Divinski, G Reglitz, IS Golovin, M Peterlechner, R Lapovok, Y Estrin, ...
Acta Materialia 82, 11-21, 2015
Study of relaxation and crystallization kinetics of NiTi made amorphous by repeated cold rolling
M Peterlechner, J Bokeloh, G Wilde, T Waitz
Acta Materialia 58 (20), 6637-6648, 2010
The influence of deformation on the medium-range order of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass characterized by variable resolution fluctuation electron microscopy
S Hilke, H Rösner, D Geissler, A Gebert, M Peterlechner, G Wilde
Acta Materialia 171, 275-281, 2019
Mechanical alloying via high-pressure torsion of the immiscible Cu50Ta50 system
N Ibrahim, M Peterlechner, F Emeis, M Wegner, SV Divinski, G Wilde
Materials Science and Engineering: A 685, 19-30, 2017
Grain boundary diffusion and grain boundary structures of a Ni-Cr-Fe-alloy: Evidences for grain boundary phase transitions
S Sankaran, KCH Kumar, H Rösner, M Peterlechner, VA Esin, S Divinski, ...
Acta Materialia 195, 501-518, 2020
Impact of plastic deformation and shear band formation on the boson heat capacity peak of a bulk metallic glass
YP Mitrofanov, M Peterlechner, SV Divinski, G Wilde
Physical Review Letters 112 (13), 135901, 2014
Strain mapping of a triple junction in nanocrystalline Pd
H Rösner, C Kübel, Y Ivanisenko, L Kurmanaeva, SV Divinski, ...
Acta materialia 59 (19), 7380-7387, 2011
Considering the role of ion transport in diffuson‐dominated thermal conductivity
T Bernges, R Hanus, B Wankmiller, K Imasato, S Lin, M Ghidiu, M Gerlitz, ...
Advanced energy materials 12 (22), 2200717, 2022
Light-responsive aggregation of β-cyclodextrin covered silica nanoparticles
JA Krings, B Vonhören, P Tegeder, V Siozios, M Peterlechner, BJ Ravoo
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (25), 9587-9593, 2014
Grain boundary engineering parameters for ultrafine grained microstructures: Proof of principles by a systematic composition variation in the Cu-Ni system
F Emeis, M Peterlechner, SV Divinski, G Wilde
Acta Materialia 150, 262-272, 2018
The impact of elastic and plastic strain on relaxation and crystallization of Pd–Ni–P-based bulk metallic glasses
YP Mitrofanov, M Peterlechner, I Binkowski, MY Zadorozhnyy, IS Golovin, ...
Acta Materialia 90, 318-329, 2015
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Articles 1–20