Di Paola Margherita
Di Paola Margherita
Dep. of Internal Medicine and Public Health Faculty of Medicine, University of L'Aquila, Italy
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Episodic memory impairment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease is correlated with entorhinal cortex atrophy: A voxel-based morphometry study
M Di Paola, E Macaluso, GA Carlesimo, F Tomaiuolo, KJ Worsley, ...
Journal of neurology 254, 774-781, 2007
Gross morphology and morphometric sequelae in the hippocampus, fornix, and corpus callosum of patients with severe non-missile traumatic brain injury without macroscopically …
F Tomaiuolo, GA Carlesimo, M Di Paola, M Petrides, F Fera, R Bonanni, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (9), 1314-1322, 2004
When, where, and how the corpus callosum changes in MCI and AD: a multimodal MRI study
M Di Paola, F Di Iulio, A Cherubini, C Blundo, AR Casini, G Sancesario, ...
Neurology 74 (14), 1136-1142, 2010
Combined volumetry and DTI in subcortical structures of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients
A Cherubini, P Péran, I Spoletini, M Di Paola, F Di Iulio, GE Hagberg, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 19 (4), 1273-1282, 2010
In vivo structural neuroanatomy of corpus callosum in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using different MRI techniques: a review
M Di Paola, G Spalletta, C Caltagirone
Journal of Alzheimer's disease 20 (1), 67-95, 2010
Prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar gray matter networks and executive functioning in schizophrenia
N Rusch, I Spoletini, M Wilke, P Bria, M Di Paola, F Di Iulio, G Martinotti, ...
Schizophr Res 93 (1-3), 79-89, 2007
Callosal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: different effects in different stages
M Di Paola, E Luders, F Di Iulio, A Cherubini, D Passafiume, ...
Neuroimage 49 (1), 141-149, 2010
Morphology and morphometry of the corpus callosum in Williams syndrome: A T1-weighted MRI study
F Tomaiuolo, M Di Paola, B Caravale, S Vicari, M Petrides, C Caltagirone
Neuroreport 13 (17), 2281-2284, 2002
Hippocampal atrophy is the critical brain change in patients with hypoxic amnesia
M Di Paola, C Caltagirone, L Fadda, U Sabatini, L Serra, GA Carlesimo
Hippocampus 18 (7), 719-728, 2008
Bihemispheric stimulation over left and right inferior frontal region enhances recovery from apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia
P Marangolo, V Fiori, S Cipollari, S Campana, C Razzano, M Di Paola, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (9), 3370-3377, 2013
Differential involvement of the left frontal and temporal regions in verb naming: A tDCS treatment study
P Marangolo, V Fiori, M Di Paola, S Cipollari, C Razzano, M Oliveri, ...
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2013
tDCS stimulation segregates words in the brain: evidence from aphasia
V Fiori, S Cipollari, M Di Paola, C Razzano, C Caltagirone, P Marangolo
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 269, 2013
Reduced oxygen due to high‐altitude exposure relates to atrophy in motor‐function brain areas
M Di Paola, M Bozzali, L Fadda, M Musicco, U Sabatini, C Caltagirone
European Journal of Neurology 15 (10), 1050-1057, 2008
Multimodal MRI analysis of the corpus callosum reveals white matter differences in presymptomatic and early Huntington's disease
M Di Paola, E Luders, A Cherubini, C Sanchez-Castaneda, ...
Cerebral cortex 22 (12), 2858-2866, 2012
Prolonged rock climbing activity induces structural changes in cerebellum and parietal lobe
M Di Paola, C Caltagirone, L Petrosini
Human brain mapping 34 (10), 2707-2714, 2013
The superficial white matter in Alzheimer's disease
OR Phillips, SH Joshi, F Piras, MD Orfei, M Iorio, KL Narr, DW Shattuck, ...
Human brain mapping 37 (4), 1321-1334, 2016
Changes in white matter in long-term survivors of severe non-missile traumatic brain injury: a computational analysis of magnetic resonance images
F Tomaiuolo, KJ Worsley, J Lerch, M Di Paola, GA Carlesimo, R Bonanni, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 22 (1), 76-82, 2005
Superficial white matter damage in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
OR Phillips, SH Joshi, KL Narr, DW Shattuck, M Singh, M Di Paola, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 89 (5), 518-525, 2018
Major superficial white matter abnormalities in Huntington's disease
OR Phillips, SH Joshi, F Squitieri, C Sanchez-Castaneda, K Narr, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 10, 197, 2016
Tractography of the corpus callosum in Huntington’s disease
O Phillips, C Sanchez-Castaneda, F Elifani, V Maglione, A Di Pardo, ...
PloS one 8 (9), e73280, 2013
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Articles 1–20