Mark Harris
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Cited by
Geometrical Frustration in the Ferromagnetic Pyrochlore
MJ Harris, ST Bramwell, DF McMorrow, TH Zeiske, KW Godfrey
Physical Review Letters 79 (13), 2554, 1997
Spin correlations in Ho 2 Ti 2 O 7: a dipolar spin ice system
ST Bramwell, MJ Harris, BC Den Hertog, MJP Gingras, JS Gardner, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (4), 047205, 2001
Frustration in Ising-type spin models on the pyrochlore lattice
ST Bramwell, MJ Harris
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (14), L215, 1998
Evidence of quantum order by disorder in a frustrated antiferromagnet
JDM Champion, MJ Harris, PCW Holdsworth, AS Wills, G Balakrishnan, ...
Physical Review B 68 (2), 020401, 2003
Bulk magnetization of the heavy rare earth titanate pyrochlores-a series of model frustrated magnets
ST Bramwell, MN Field, MJ Harris, IP Parkin
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (4), 483, 2000
Liquid-gas critical behavior in a frustrated pyrochlore ferromagnet
MJ Harris, ST Bramwell, PCW Holdsworth, JDM Champion
Physical review letters 81 (20), 4496, 1998
Floppy modes in crystalline and amorphous silicates
MT Dove, MJ Harris, AC Hannon, JM Parker, IP Swainson, M Gambhir
Physical review letters 78 (6), 1070, 1997
Static and dynamic critical properties of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet
AR Wildes, HM Rønnow, B Roessli, MJ Harris, KW Godfrey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (9), 094422, 2006
Paul, RI Smith, MTF Telling, and A. Wildes
JDM Champion, MJ Harris, PCW Holdsworth, AS Wills, G Balakrishnan, ...
Phys. Rev. B 68 (2), 020401, 2003
The history of spin ice
ST Bramwell, MJ Harris
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (37), 374010, 2020
Frustration in the pyrochlore antiferromagnets
MJ Harris, MP Zinkin
Modern Physics Letters B 10 (10), 417-438, 1996
A new interatomic potential model for calcite: applications to lattice dynamics studies, phase transition, and isotope fractionation
MT Dove, B Winkler, M Leslie, MJ Harris, EKH Salje
American Mineralogist 77 (3-4), 244-250, 1992
Magnetic structure of the spin-liquid state in a frustrated pyrochlore
MJ Harris, MP Zinkin, Z Tun, BM Wanklyn, IP Swainson
Physical review letters 73 (1), 189, 1994
Magnetic structures of highly frustrated pyrochlores
MJ Harris, ST Bramwell, T Zeiske, DF McMorrow, PJC King
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 177, 757-762, 1998
Topological-sector fluctuations and Curie-law crossover in spin ice
LDC Jaubert, MJ Harris, T Fennell, RG Melko, ST Bramwell, ...
Physical Review X 3 (1), 011014, 2013
Dynamics of silica glass: two-level tunnelling states and low-energy floppy modes
KO Trachenko, MT Dove, MJ Harris, V Heine
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (37), 8041, 2000
Short-range magnetic order in the frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet CsNiCrF 6
MP Zinkin, MJ Harris, T Zeiske
Physical Review B 56 (18), 11786, 1997
Neutron powder diffraction study of the ferroelastic phase transition and lattice melting in sodium carbonate, Na2CO3
IP Swainson, MT Dove, MJ Harris
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7 (23), 4395, 1995
The nature of creation: Examining the Bible and science
M Harris
Routledge, 2014
Low-energy dynamics and tetrahedral reorientations in silica glass
K Trachenko, MT Dove, KD Hammonds, MJ Harris, V Heine
Phys. Rev. Lett 81 (3431), 4, 1998
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Articles 1–20