Caroline Genzale
Caroline Genzale
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Relationship between diesel fuel spray vapor penetration/dispersion and local fuel mixture fraction
LM Pickett, J Manin, CL Genzale, DL Siebers, MPB Musculus, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 4 (1), 764-799, 2011
Comparison of diesel spray combustion in different high-temperature, high-pressure facilities
LM Pickett, CL Genzale, G Bruneaux, LM Malbec, L Hermant, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 3 (2), 156-181, 2010
Engine combustion network: comparison of spray development, vaporization, and combustion in different combustion vessels
M Bardi, R Payri, LMC Malbec, G Bruneaux, LM Pickett, J Manin, T Bazyn, ...
Atomization and Sprays 22 (10), 2012
Effects of piston bowl geometry on mixture development and late-injection low-temperature combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine
CL Genzale, RD Reitz, MPB Musculus
SAE International Journal of Engines 1 (1), 913-937, 2009
Effect of ignition delay on in-cylinder soot characteristics of a heavy duty diesel engine operating at low temperature conditions
MK Bobba, CL Genzale, MPB Musculus
SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (1), 911-924, 2009
Measurement uncertainty of liquid penetration in evaporating diesel sprays
LM Pickett, CL Genzale, J Manin, LM Malbec, L Hermant
ILASS2011-111, 2011
Liquid penetration of diesel and biodiesel sprays at late-cycle post-injection conditions
CL Genzale, LM Pickett, S Kook
SAE International Journal of Engines 3 (1), 479-495, 2010
Effects of spray targeting on mixture development and emissions formation in late-injection low-temperature heavy-duty diesel combustion
CL Genzale, RD Reitz, MPB Musculus
Proceedings of the combustion institute 32 (2), 2767-2774, 2009
Combustion recession after end of injection in diesel sprays
BW Knox, CL Genzale, LM Pickett, JM Garcia-Oliver, W Vera-Tudela
SAE International Journal of Engines 8 (2), 679-695, 2015
Fundamental spray and combustion measurements of soy methyl-ester biodiesel
JG Nerva, CL Genzale, S Kook, JM García-Oliver, LM Pickett
International Journal of Engine Research 14 (4), 373-390, 2013
Uncertainty quantification for liquid penetration of evaporating sprays at diesel-like conditions
LM Pickett, CL Genzale, J Manin
Atomization and Sprays 25 (5), 2015
Transmission electron microscopy of soot particles directly sampled in diesel spray flame-A comparison between US# 2 and biodiesel soot
T Aizawa, H Nishigai, K Kondo, T Yamaguchi, JG Nerva, C Genzale, ...
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 5 (2), 665-673, 2012
Forensics of soot: C5-related nanostructure as a diagnostic of in-cylinder chemistry
RL Vander Wal, A Strzelec, TJ Toops, CS Daw, CL Genzale
Fuel 113, 522-526, 2013
2007-01-0119 A Computational Investigation into the Effects of Spray Targeting, Bowl Geometry and Swirl Ratio for Low-Temperature Combustion in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
CL Genzale, RD Reitz, DD Wickman
SAE SP 2082, 1, 2007
Optical diagnostics and multi-dimensional modeling of spray targeting effects in late-injection low-temperature diesel combustion
CL Genzale, RD Reitz, MPB Musculus
SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (2), 150-172, 2010
Designing the bioproduction of Martian rocket propellant via a biotechnology-enabled in situ resource utilization strategy
NS Kruyer, MJ Realff, W Sun, CL Genzale, P Peralta-Yahya
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6166, 2021
Effects of end-of-injection transients on combustion recession in diesel sprays
B Knox, C Genzale
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2), 932-949, 2016
Experimental and computational investigation of subcritical near-nozzle spray structure and primary atomization in the engine combustion network spray D
M Battistoni, GM Magnotti, CL Genzale, M Arienti, KE Matusik, DJ Duke, ...
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 11 (4), 337-352, 2018
Ducted Fuel Injection vs. Free-Spray Injection
CW Nilsen, BF Yraguen, CJ Mueller, C Genzale, JP Delplanque
SAE International Journal of Engines 13 (5), 705-716, 2020
Scaling combustion recession after end of injection in diesel sprays
BW Knox, CL Genzale
Combustion and Flame 177, 24-36, 2017
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Articles 1–20