Emese Krivan, Ph.D
Emese Krivan, Ph.D
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Deprotonation and dehydration of pristine PPy/DS films during open-circuit relaxation: an ignored factor in determining the properties of conducting polymers
E Kriván, C Visy, J Kankare
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (6), 1302-1308, 2003
EQCM and in situ conductance studies on the polymerisation and redox features of thiophene co-polymers
C Visy, J Kankare, E Kriván
Electrochimica acta 45 (22-23), 3851-3864, 2000
Irregular Response of the Polypyrrole Films to H2S
E Kriván, C Visy, R Dobay, G Harsányi, O Berkesi
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2000
Combination of in situ UV–Vis-NIR spectro-electrochemical and ac impedance measurements: A new, effective technique for studying the redox transformation of conducting …
E Peintler-Kriván, PS Tóth, C Visy
Electrochemistry communications 11 (10), 1947-1950, 2009
Key role of the desolvation in the achievement of the quasi-metallic state of electronically conducting polymers
E Kriván, C Visy, J Kankare
Electrochimica acta 50 (5), 1247-1254, 2005
MRA combined spectroelectrochemical studies on the redox stability of PPy/DS films
C Visy, E Kriván, G Peintler
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 462 (1), 1-11, 1999
Application of simultaneous monitoring of the in situ impedance and optical changes on the redox transformation of two polythiophenes: Direct evidence for their non-identical …
PS Tóth, E Peintler-Kriván, C Visy
Electrochemistry communications 12 (7), 958-961, 2010
Minimizing analyte electrolysis in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using a redox buffer coated emitter electrode
E Peintler‐Krivan, GJ Van Berkel, V Kertesz
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2010
Matrix rank analysis of spectral studies on the electropolymerisation and discharge process of conducting polypyrrole/dodecyl sulfate films
E Kriván, G Peintler, C Visy
Electrochimica acta 50 (7-8), 1529-1535, 2005
Solvation/desolvation during the redox transformation of poly (3-methylthiophene)
C Visy, C Janaky, E Krivan
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 9, 330-336, 2005
Fast redox switching into the conducting state, related to single mono-cationic/polaronic charge carriers only in cation exchanger type conducting polymers
PS Tóth, E Peintler-Kriván, C Visy
Electrochemistry communications 18, 16-19, 2012
New phenomena observed during the electrochemical reduction of conducting polypyrrole films
E Kriván, C Visy
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 5, 507-511, 2001
Nanoscale fabrication on a clean TiO2(110)1x2 surface by scanning tunnel microscopy
A Berkó, E Kriván
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15 (1), 25-31, 1997
Conducting polymer based multifunctional composite electrodes
G Bencsik, C Janáky, E Kriván, Z Lukács, B Endrődi, C Visy
Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 96, 421-428, 2009
Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxypyrrole) Modified Emitter Electrode for Substitution of Homogeneous Redox Buffer Agent Hydroquinone in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
E Peintler-Krivan, GJ Van Berkel, V Kertesz
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 (22), 2010
Characterization of polypyrrole/piperazine-1, 4-bis (2-ethane sulfonate) film and its application for the immobilization of vitamin B12
C Visy, I Csízi, E Kriván
Electrochimica acta 53 (3), 1189-1194, 2007
Optimization of the photoactivity of conducting polymer covered ZnO nanorod composite electrodes
EP Krivan, D Ungor, C Janáky, Z Németh, C Visy
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 19, 37-44, 2015
Study on the electrodeposition of organic and inorganic thermoelectric materials for composite preparation
E Kriván, G Bencsik, C Janáky, PS Tóth, B Roósz, G Sós, C Visy
Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 96, 429-436, 2009
Observations supporting a modified common redox mechanism of conducting polymers
C Visy, E Kriván, J Kankare
Synthetic metals 119 (1-3), 299-300, 2001
Catalyzed Oxidation of Chlorine and Bromine in Room Temperature Chloroaluminate and Bromoaluminate Melts
E Krivan, S Foister, M Tian, RA Elgammal, R Counce, TA Zawodzinski Jr
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 232, 1924-1924, 2017
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Articles 1–20