P M Ligrani
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Comparison of heat transfer augmentation techniques
PM Ligrani, MM Oliveira, T Blaskovich
AIAA journal 41 (3), 337-362, 2003
Structure of transitionally rough and fully rough turbulent boundary layers
PM Ligrani, RJ Moffat
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 162, 69-98, 1986
Spatial resolution and measurement of turbulence in the viscous sublayer using subminiature hot-wire probes
PM Ligrani, P Bradshaw
Experiments in Fluids 5 (6), 407-417, 1987
Heat transfer in a dimpled channel: combined influences of aspect ratio, temperature ratio, Reynolds number, and flow structure
GI Mahmood, PM Ligrani
International Journal of Heat and mass transfer 45 (10), 2011-2020, 2002
Local heat transfer and flow structure on and above a dimpled surface in a channel
GI Mahmood, ML Hill, DL Nelson, PM Ligrani, HK Moon, B Glezer
J. Turbomach. 123 (1), 115-123, 2001
Flow structure due to dimple depressions on a channel surface
PM Ligrani, JL Harrison, GI Mahmmod, ML Hill
Physics of fluids 13 (11), 3442-3451, 2001
Heat transfer augmentation technologies for internal cooling of turbine components of gas turbine engines
P Ligrani
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2013 (1), 275653, 2013
Dean flow dynamics in low-aspect ratio spiral microchannels
N Nivedita, P Ligrani, I Papautsky
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 44072, 2017
Effects of dimple depth on channel Nusselt numbers and friction factors
NK Burgess, PM Ligrani
Flow structure and local Nusselt number variations in a channel with dimples and protrusions on opposite walls
PM Ligrani, GI Mahmood, JL Harrison, CM Clayton, DL Nelson
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (23), 4413-4425, 2001
Film cooling from shaped holes
CM Bell, H Hamakawa, PM Ligrani
J. Heat Transfer 122 (2), 224-232, 2000
Flow visualization of Dean vortices in a curved channel with 40 to 1 aspect ratio
PM Ligrani, RD Niver
The Physics of fluids 31 (12), 3605-3617, 1988
Film-cooling from holes with compound angle orientations: part 1—results downstream of two staggered rows of holes with 3d spanwise spacing
PM Ligrani, JM Wigle, S Ciriello, SM Jackson
Nusselt number behavior on deep dimpled surfaces within a channel
NK Burgess, MM Oliveira, PM Ligrani
J. Heat Transfer 125 (1), 11-18, 2003
Film-cooling from holes with compound angle orientations: part 2—results downstream of a single row of holes with 6d spanwise spacing
PM Ligrani, JM Wigle, SW Jackson
Heat transfer in a channel with dimples and protrusions on opposite walls
GI Mahmood, MZ Sabbagh, PM Ligrani
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 15 (3), 275-283, 2001
Analysis and experiments on three-dimensional, irregular surface roughness
JA Van Rij, BJ Belnap, PM Ligrani
J. Fluids Eng. 124 (3), 671-677, 2002
Overtip shock wave structure and its impact on turbine blade tip heat transfer
Q Zhang, DO O’Dowd, L He, APS Wheeler, PM Ligrani, BCY Cheong
Subminiature hot-wire sensors: development and use
PM Ligrani, P Bradshaw
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 20 (3), 323, 1987
Transonic turbine blade tip aerothermal performance with different tip gaps—part I: tip heat transfer
Q Zhang, DO O’Dowd, L He, MLG Oldfield, PM Ligrani
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Articles 1–20