Maxime L'Héritier
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Slag inclusion analyses for studying ferrous alloys employed in French medieval buildings: supply of materials and diffusion of smelting processes
P Dillmann, M L'Héritier
Journal of archaeological science 34 (11), 1810-1823, 2007
Does it come from the Pays de Bray? Examination of an origin hypothesis for the ferrous reinforcements used in French medieval churches using major and trace element analyses
AM Desaulty, P Dillmann, M L'Héritier, C Mariet, B Gratuze, JL Joron, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (10), 2445-2462, 2009
Bismuth behaviour during ancient processes of silver–lead production
M L'Héritier, S Baron, L Cassayre, F Téreygeol
Journal of Archaeological Science 57, 56-68, 2015
Iron reinforcements in Beauvais and Metz Cathedrals: from bloomery or finery? The use of logistic regression for differentiating smelting processes
A Disser, P Dillmann, C Bourgain, M L'Héritier, E Vega, S Bauvais, ...
Journal of archaeological science 42, 315-333, 2014
Consolidation or initial design? Radiocarbon dating of ancient iron alloys sheds light on the reinforcements of French Gothic Cathedrals
S Leroy, M L'Héritier, E Delqué-Kolic, JP Dumoulin, C Moreau, P Dillmann
Journal of Archaeological Science 53, 190-201, 2015
Iron supply for the building of Metz cathedral: new methodological development for provenance studies and historical considerations
A Disser, PH Dillmann, M Leroy, M l'Héritier, S Bauvais, PH Fluzin
Archaeometry 59 (3), 493-510, 2017
Forging of phosphoric iron. An analytical and experimental approach
E Vega, P Dillmann, M L’héritier, P Fluzin, P Crew, P Benoit
Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2, 337-346, 2003
Iron? Which iron? Methodologies for metallographic and slag inclusion studies applied to ferrous reinforcements from Auxerre Cathedral
M L’héritier, P Dillmann, S Aumard, P Fluzin
The world of iron, 409-420, 2013
From copper to silver: Understanding the saigerprozess through experimental liquation and drying
M L’héritier, F Téreygeol
Historical Metallurgy 44 (2), 136-152, 2010
Iron in the building of gothic churches: its role, origins and production using evidence from Rouen and Troyes
M L’Héritier, P Dillmann, P Benoit
Historical metallurgy 44 (1), 21-35, 2010
Provenance et circulation des alliages ferreux
S Leroy, P Dillmann, A Disser, M L'Héritier, S Bauvais, P Fluzin
Circulation et provenance des matériaux et des objets dans les sociétés …, 2014
L'utilisation du fer dans l'architecture gothique: les cas de Troyes et de Rouen.
M L'Heritier
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I, 2007
Characterization of slag inclusions in iron objects
M L’Héritier, S Leroy, P Dillmann, B Gratuze
Recent advances in laser ablation ICP-MS for archaeology, 213-228, 2016
The role of iron armatures in gothic constructions: reinforcement, consolidation or commissioner’s choice
M L’Héritier, P Dillmann, A Timbert, P Bernardi
Carvais, R., Guillerme, A., Nègre, V. et Sakarovitch, J., éditeurs: Nuts and …, 2012
Fer ou acier? Caractérisation des alliages ferreux utilisés dans la construction des églises gothiques au Moyen Âge et à la période moderne. L’exemple de Troyes et de Rouen
M L’Héritier, P Dillmann
L’acier en Europe avant Bessemer, 263-281, 2011
Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of iron reinforcements in buildings from the medieval and modern periods in France
M L’Héritier, I Guillot, P Dillmann
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 13 (3), 507-519, 2019
Lead it be! Identifying the construction phases of gothic cathedrals using lead analysis by LA-ICP-MS
M L'Héritier, A Arles, A Disser, B Gratuze
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6, 252-265, 2016
Utilisation des alliages ferreux dans la construction monumentale du Moyen Age. Etat des lieux de l'avancée des études métallographiques et archéométriques
M L'Héritier, A Juhin, P Dillmann, R Aranda, P Benoit
ArcheoSciences. Revue d'archéométrie, 117-132, 2005
Deciphering the iron provenance on a medieval building yard: The case of Bourges Cathedral
M L’Héritier, P Dillmann, G Sarah
Minerals 10 (12), 1131, 2020
Determining the geochemical fingerprint of the lead fallout from the Notre-Dame de Paris fire: Lessons for a better discrimination of chemical signatures
J Briard, S Ayrault, M Roy-Barman, L Bordier, M L'Héritier, A Azéma, ...
Science of the Total Environment 864, 160676, 2023
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Articles 1–20