Fangtao Lyu
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Cited by
Experimental study on the mechanism of adsorption-improved imbibition in oil-wet tight sandstone by a nonionic surfactant for enhanced oil recovery
YP Sun, Y Xin, FT Lyu, CL Dai
Petroleum Science 18 (4), 1115-1126, 2021
Molecular insights into supercritical methane sorption and self-diffusion in monospecific and composite nanopores of deep shale
F Lyu, Z Ning, S Yang, Z Mu, Z Cheng, Z Wang, B Liu
Journal of Molecular Liquids 359, 119263, 2022
Investigation on gas/water two-phase flow in quartz nanopores from molecular perspectives
F Lyu, Z Ning, Z Jia, Z Mu, W Zhang, B Liu
Journal of Molecular Liquids 371, 121145, 2023
A comparative study of gas transport in dry and moisturized shale matrix considering organic matter volume fraction and water distribution characteristics
F Lyu, Z Ning, X Wu, Q Wang, K Gu, Z Cheng, Z Mu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109483, 2022
Sorption of deep shale gas on minerals and organic matter from molecular simulation
Z Mu, Z Ning, F Lyu, B Liu
Energy & Fuels 37 (1), 251-259, 2022
Mechanistic insights into confined methane adsorption in carbon nanopores at the molecular level
X Wu, Y He, Z Ning, F Lyu, X Dou, B Wu
Chemical Engineering Science 250, 117374, 2022
Nanoscale profiling of the relationship between in-situ organic matter roughness, adhesion, and wettability under ScCO2 based on contact mechanics
Y Kang, Z Ning, F Lyu, Z Jia
Fuel 362, 130833, 2024
Pressure Transient Analysis for Water Injection Wells with Waterflooding-Induced Nonsimultaneously Closed Multistorage Fractures: Semianalytical Model and Case Study
Z Wang, Z Ning, W Guo, W Lu, F Lyu, G Liu
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 26 (04), 1416-1438, 2023
Effect of Slickwater on Methane Adsorption in Coal: Experiment and Molecular Simulation
J Li, G Wang, Z Ning, Q Huang, F Lyu, B Liu
Energy & Fuels 38 (6), 5206-5217, 2024
Laboratory Evaluation of Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery in Tight Reservoirs
Z Jia, Z Ning, F Lyu, Y Kang
Energy & Fuels 38 (1), 200-213, 2023
Insights into the relationship between wettability and surface roughness in tight reservoirs from a pore-scale view: effect of electric field
W Zhang, H Huang, F Wen, L Ren, Z Ning, Z Jia, Z Cheng, F Lyu
Energy & Fuels 37 (8), 5867-5877, 2023
Estimation of two-phase relative permeabilities based on treelike fractal model and pressure drop around gas bubbles in porous media
K Gu, Z Ning, Z Mu, F Lv
Fractals 29 (07), 2150216, 2021
Experimental study on gas transport in shale matrix with real gas and Klinkenberg effects
X Wu, Q Wang, F Lyu, Z Ning, Z Ren
Geofluids 2021 (1), 5579307, 2021
Apparent permeability coupling of adsorbed and free gases for deep shale: theoretical model and measurements
Z Mu, Z Ning, K Gu, F Lyu
Energy & Fuels 36 (19), 11849-11860, 2022
Molecular dynamics simulations of shale wettability alteration and implications for CO2 sequestration: A comparative study
F Lyu, Z Ning, Y Kang, Z Jia
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 699, 134710, 2024
Changes in mechanical properties and surface microstructure of shale organic matter after coupling supercritical carbon dioxide with water
Y Kang, Z Ning, F Lyu, Z Jia
Applied Geochemistry 170, 106055, 2024
Multiscale evolution observation of the pore structures of porous media under an electrokinetic treatment
W Zhang, H Huang, Z Ning, J Cao, J Ni, Z Jia, B Yang, Z Cheng, F Lyu
Journal of Applied Geophysics 219, 105247, 2023
Experimental investigation of mechanical characteristics in tight sandstones by combining nanoindentation and AFM
W Zhang, F Wen, S Tong, L Ren, J Ni, H Huang, B Yang, Z Ning, Z Jia, ...
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2023-0098, 2023
Molecular dynamics simulation of electric double layer effects on microscopic wettability and enhanced oil recovery in tight sandstone reservoirs
S Yang, Z Ning, F Lyu, K Zhou
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 709, 136143, 2025
Electric Field Control of CO2 Distribution in Kerogen Slit of Depleted Shale Gas Reservoirs: Implications for CO2 Sequestration
W Zhang, H Huang, M Li, Z Ning, Z Cheng, Z Jia, F Lyu, F Liu
Energy & Fuels 38 (21), 20901-20912, 2024
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Articles 1–20