Product innovation processes in small firms: Combining entrepreneurial effectuation and managerial causation H Berends, M Jelinek, I Reymen, R Stultiëns Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (3), 616-635, 2014 | 630 | 2014 |
Understanding dynamics of strategic decision making in venture creation: a process study of effectuation and causation IMMJ Reymen, P Andries, H Berends, R Mauer, U Stephan, E Van Burg Strategic entrepreneurship journal 9 (4), 351-379, 2015 | 607 | 2015 |
Personality and team performance: a meta‐analysis MAG Peeters, HFJM Van Tuijl, CG Rutte, IMMJ Reymen European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2006 | 578 | 2006 |
Creating University Spin‐Offs: A Science‐Based Design Perspective* E Van Burg, AGL Romme, VA Gilsing, IMMJ Reymen Journal of Product Innovation Management 25 (2), 114-128, 2008 | 411 | 2008 |
Learning while (re) configuring: Business model innovation processes in established firms H Berends, A Smits, I Reymen, K Podoynitsyna Strategic organization 14 (3), 181-219, 2016 | 392 | 2016 |
An estimate of the terrestrial carbon budget of Russia using inventory-based, eddy covariance and inversion methods AJ Dolman, A Shvidenko, D Schepaschenko, P Ciais, N Tchebakova, ... Biogeosciences 9 (12), 5323-5340, 2012 | 238 | 2012 |
Decision making for business model development: a process study of effectuation and causation in new technology‐based ventures I Reymen, H Berends, R Oudehand, R Stultiëns R&d Management 47 (4), 595-606, 2017 | 232 | 2017 |
The big five personality traits and individual satisfaction with the team MAG Peeters, CG Rutte, HFJM van Tuijl, IMMJ Reymen Small group research 37 (2), 187-211, 2006 | 219 | 2006 |
Levels of expertise in design education K Dorst, I Reymen DS 33: Proceedings of E&PDE 2004, the 7th International Conference on …, 2004 | 193 | 2004 |
Improving design processes through structured reflection: A domain-independent approach IMMJ Reymen | 161* | 2001 |
Entrepreneurship at the interface of design and science: Toward an inclusive framework AGL Romme, IMMJ Reymen Journal of Business Venturing Insights 10, e00094, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Dynamics of resource slack and constraints: Resource positions in action SAM Dolmans, E van Burg, IMMJ Reymen, AGL Romme Organization Studies 35 (4), 511-549, 2014 | 116 | 2014 |
The problem of communication in construction M Hoezen, I Reymen, GPMR Dewulf International Conference on Adaptable Building Structures, ADAPTABLES 2006 …, 2006 | 114 | 2006 |
External designers in product design processes of small manufacturing firms H Berends, I Reymen, RGL Stultiëns, M Peutz Design studies 32 (1), 86-108, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
A domain-independent descriptive design model and its application to structured reflection on design processes I Reymen, DK Hammer, PA Kroes, JE van Aken, CH Dorst, MFT Bax, ... Research in engineering design 16, 147-173, 2006 | 102 | 2006 |
Factors constituting the innovation adoption environment of public clients A Hartmann, IMMJ Reymen, G Van Oosterom Building research & information 36 (5), 436-449, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |
Configuring collective digital-technology usage in dynamic and complex design practices L Verstegen, W Houkes, I Reymen Research Policy 48 (8), 103696, 2019 | 83 | 2019 |
Modular approaches in Dutch house building: an exploratory survey JIM Halman, JT Voordijk, IMMJ Reymen Housing studies 23 (5), 781-799, 2008 | 71 | 2008 |
Academic entrepreneurship: Which inventors do technology licensing officers prefer for spinoffs? S Shane, SAM Dolmans, J Jankowski, IMMJ Reymen, AGL Romme The Journal of Technology Transfer 40, 273-292, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Design principles for corporate venture transition processes in established technology firms E van Burg, S de Jager, IMMJ Reymen, M Cloodt R&d Management 42 (5), 455-472, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |