Lorenz Bartosch
Lorenz Bartosch
Junior-Professor of Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt University
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Introduction to the functional renormalization group
P Kopietz, L Bartosch, F Schütz
Springer Verlag (Berlin), 2010
Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition
L Balents, L Bartosch, A Burkov, S Sachdev, K Sengupta
Physical Review B 71 (14), 144508_1-144508_35, 2005
Microscopic spin-wave theory for yttrium-iron garnet films
A Kreisel, F Sauli, L Bartosch, P Kopietz
The European physical journal B 71, 59-68, 2009
Collective fields in the functional renormalization group for fermions, Ward identities, and the exact solution of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model
F Schütz, L Bartosch, P Kopietz
Physical Review B 72 (3), 035107, 2005
Scaling Theory of the Mott Transition and Breakdown of the Grüneisen Scaling Near a Finite-Temperature Critical End Point
L Bartosch, M De Souza, M Lang
Physical Review Letters 104 (24), 245701, 2010
Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition. II. The doped quantum dimer model
L Balents, L Bartosch, A Burkov, S Sachdev, K Sengupta
Physical Review B 71 (14), 144509_1-144509_21, 2005
Breakdown of Hooke’s law of elasticity at the Mott critical endpoint in an organic conductor
E Gati, M Garst, RS Manna, U Tutsch, B Wolf, L Bartosch, H Schubert, ...
Science advances 2 (12), e1601646, 2016
Corrections to scaling in the critical theory of deconfined criticality
L Bartosch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (19), 195140, 2013
Generation of colored noise
L Bartosch
International Journal of Modern Physics C 12 (06), 851-855, 2001
A functional renormalization group approach to the Anderson impurity model
L Bartosch, H Freire, JJR Cardenas, P Kopietz
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (30), 305602, 2009
Renormalization of the BCS-BEC crossover by order-parameter fluctuations
L Bartosch, P Kopietz, A Ferraz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104514, 2009
Mott Metal-Insulator Transition on Compressible Lattices
M Zacharias, L Bartosch, M Garst
Physical Review Letters 109 (17), 176401, 2012
Exact numerical calculation of the density of states of the fluctuating gap model
L Bartosch, P Kopietz
Physical Review B 60 (23), 15488, 1999
Probing the Mott physics in κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2X salts via thermal expansion
M de Souza, L Bartosch
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (5), 053203, 2015
Functional renormalization group approach to the Ising-nematic quantum critical point of two-dimensional metals
C Drukier, L Bartosch, A Isidori, P Kopietz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (24), 245120, 2012
Competing orders and non-Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson criticality in (Bose) Mott transitions
L Balents, L Bartosch, A Burkov, S Sachdev, K Sengupta
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 160, 314-336, 2005
Zero bias anomaly in the density of states of low-dimensional metals
L Bartosch, P Kopietz
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 28, 29-36, 2002
Ferromagnetic Luttinger liquids
L Bartosch, M Kollar, P Kopietz
Physical Review B 67 (9), 092403, 2003
Spectral function of the Anderson impurity model at finite temperatures
A Isidori, D Roosen, L Bartosch, W Hofstetter, P Kopietz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (23), 235120, 2010
Dynamic scaling in the vicinity of the Luttinger liquid fixed point
T Busche, L Bartosch, P Kopietz
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (36), 8513, 2002
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Articles 1–20