Basem Zakaria (Reda)
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Cited by
Progress towards catalyzing electro-methanogenesis in anaerobic digestion process: Fundamentals, process optimization, design and scale-up considerations
BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Bioresource technology 289, 121738, 2019
Enhanced Methanogenic Co-degradation of Propionate and Butyrate by Anaerobic Microbiome Enriched on Conductive Carbon Fibers
S Barua, BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Bioresource Technology 266, 259-266, 2018
Microbial electrolysis followed by chemical precipitation for effective nutrients recovery from digested sludge centrate in WWTPs
S Barua, BS Zakaria, T Chung, FI Hai, T Haile, A Al-Mamun, BR Dhar
Chemical Engineering Journal 361, 256-265, 2019
Changes in syntrophic microbial communities, EPS matrix, and gene-expression patterns in biofilm anode in response to silver nanoparticles exposure
BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Science of the Total Environment 734, 139395, 2020
Shift of biofilm and suspended bacterial communities with changes in anode potential in a microbial electrolysis cell treating primary sludge
BS Zakaria, L Lin, BR Dhar
Science of the Total Environment 689, 691-699, 2019
Characterization and significance of extracellular polymeric substances, reactive oxygen species, and extracellular electron transfer in methanogenic biocathode
BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7933, 2021
An intermittent power supply scheme to minimize electrical energy input in a microbial electrolysis cell assisted anaerobic digester
BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Bioresource Technology 319, 124109, 2021
A critical review of process parameters influencing the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in the anaerobic digestion of organic waste
N Haffiez, TH Chung, BS Zakaria, M Shahidi, S Mezbahuddin, FI Hai, ...
Bioresource Technology 354, 127189, 2022
Exploration of machine learning algorithms for predicting the changes in abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digestion
N Haffiez, TH Chung, BS Zakaria, M Shahidi, S Mezbahuddin, ...
Science of The Total Environment 839, 156211, 2022
Thermal hydrolysis of sludge counteracts polystyrene nanoplastics-induced stress during anaerobic digestion
SMM Azizi, N Haffiez, BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Acs Es&T Engineering 2 (7), 1306-1315, 2022
Molecular biology and modeling analysis reveal functional roles of propionate to acetate ratios on microbial syntrophy and competition in electro-assisted anaerobic digestion
BS Zakaria, H Guo, Y Kim, BR Dhar
Water Research 216, 118335, 2022
Magnetite doped granular activated carbon as an additive for high-performance anaerobic digestion
S Barua, BS Zakaria, L Lin, BR Dhar
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2 (3), 377-384, 2019
Propagation of antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion of thermally hydrolyzed sludge and their correlation with extracellular polymeric substances
N Haffiez, SMM Azizi, BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6749, 2022
Impact of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles on anode respiring bacteria in a microbial electrolysis cell
BS Zakaria, S Barua, A Sharaf, Y Liu, BR Dhar
Chemosphere 213, 259-267, 2018
Temperature-dependent (20–55° C) electrocatalytic characteristics during ethanol/propionate degradation by methanogenic communities grown on conductive carbon fibers
L Lin, B Chowdhury, BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Chemical Engineering Journal 391, 123566, 2020
Shaping microbial communities with conductive carbon fibers to enhance methane productivity and kinetics
S Barua, BS Zakaria, L Lin, BR Dhar
Bioresource Technology Reports 5, 20-27, 2018
Fate of intracellular, extracellular polymeric substances-associated, and cell-free antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digestion of thermally hydrolyzed sludge
N Haffiez, BS Zakaria, SMM Azizi, BR Dhar
Science of The Total Environment 855, 158847, 2023
Intermittent energization catalyzes direct interspecies electron transfer in electro-anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
BS Zakaria, BR Dhar
Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136177, 2022
Anodic performance of microbial electrolysis cells in response to ammonia nitrogen
S Barua, BS Zakaria, A Al-Mamun, BR Dhar
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 14 (1), 37-43, 2018
Significance of different mixing conditions on performance and microbial communities in anaerobic digester amended with granular and powdered activated carbon
RS Bose, B Chowdhury, BS Zakaria, MK Tiwari, BR Dhar
Bioresource Technology 341, 125768, 2021
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Articles 1–20