Yannick A. D. Omar
Yannick A. D. Omar
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Cited by
Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method for curved and deforming surfaces: I. General theory and application to fluid interfaces
A Sahu, YAD Omar, RA Sauer, KK Mandadapu
Journal of Computational Physics 407, 109253, 2020
Nonaxisymmetric Shapes of Biological Membranes from Locally Induced Curvature
YAD Omar, A Sahu, RA Sauer, KK Mandadapu
Biophysical journal 119 (6), 1065-1077, 2020
-dimensional theory of the electromechanics of lipid membranes: Electrostatics
YAD Omar, ZG Lipel, KK Mandadapu
Physical Review E 109 (5), 054401, 2024
The -dimensional theory of the electromechanics of lipid membranes: II. Balance laws
YAD Omar, ZG Lipel, KK Mandadapu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.03863, 2023
The -dimensional theory of the electromechanics of lipid membranes: III. Constitutive models
YAD Omar, ZG Lipel, KK Mandadapu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.11612, 2025
Fully C1-continuous isogeometric analysis of deforming surfaces of arbitrary shape and topology
Y Pan, YAD Omar, RA Sauer, KK Mandadapu
Supplementary Information Non-axisymmetric shapes of biological membranes from locally induced curvature
YAD Omar, A Sahu, RA Sauer, KK Mandadapu
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Articles 1–7