Onur Saray
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Cited by
Mechanical and wear properties of ultrafine-grained pure Ti produced by multi-pass equal-channel angular extrusion
G Purcek, O Saray, O Kul, I Karaman, GG Yapici, M Haouaoui, HJ Maier
Materials Science and Engineering: A 517 (1-2), 97-104, 2009
Effect of precipitation on mechanical and wear properties of ultrafine-grained Cu–Cr–Zr alloy
G Purcek, H Yanar, O Saray, I Karaman, HJ Maier
Wear 311 (1-2), 149-158, 2014
Effect of two-pass friction stir processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast binary Al–12Si alloy
SM Aktarer, DM Sekban, O Saray, T Kucukomeroglu, ZY Ma, G Purcek
Materials Science and Engineering: A 636, 311-319, 2015
Equal-channel angular sheet extrusion of interstitial-free (IF) steel: microstructural evolution and mechanical properties
O Saray, G Purcek, I Karaman, T Neindorf, HJ Maier
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (21), 6573-6583, 2011
Conversion degree, microhardness, microleakage and fluoride release of different fissure sealants
A Kuşgöz, T Tüzüner, M Ülker, B Kemer, O Saray
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 3 (8), 594-599, 2010
High strength and high ductility of ultrafine-grained, interstitial-free steel produced by ECAE and annealing
G Purcek, O Saray, I Karaman, HJ Maier
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 1884-1894, 2012
Effect of severe plastic deformation on tensile properties and impact toughness of two-phase Zn–40Al alloy
G Purcek, O Saray, I Karaman, T Kucukomeroglu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 490 (1-2), 403-410, 2008
Effect of equal-channel angular extrusion on the mechanical and tribological properties of as-cast Zn–40Al–2Cu–2Si alloy
G Purcek, O Saray, T Kucukomeroglu, M Haouaoui, I Karaman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (15), 3480-3488, 2010
Formability of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steels
O Saray, G Purcek, I Karaman, HJ Maier
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 4194-4206, 2013
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of severely deformed Al-12Si casting alloy by equal-channel angular extrusion
G Purcek, O Saray, O Kul
Metals and Materials International 16, 145-154, 2010
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Al–40 wt.% Zn alloy processed by equal-channel angular extrusion
O Saray, G Purcek
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (5), 2488-2498, 2009
Microstructure, mechanical properties and formability of friction stir processed interstitial-free steel
DM Sekban, O Saray, SM Aktarer, G Purcek, ZY Ma
Materials Science and Engineering: A 642, 57-64, 2015
Effect of internal oxidation on wear behavior of ultrafine-grained Nb–Zr
G Purcek, O Saray, F Rubitschek, T Niendorf, HJ Maier, I Karaman
Acta materialia 59 (20), 7683-7694, 2011
Enhancement in mechanical behavior and wear resistance of severe plastically deformed two-phase Zn–Al alloys
G Purcek, I Karaman, GG Yapici, M Al-Maharbi, T Kuçukomeroglu, ...
International journal of materials research 98 (4), 332-338, 2007
Impact toughness of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steel
O Saray, G Purcek, I Karaman, HJ Maier
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 4320-4330, 2012
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of UFG copper processed by ECAP following different processing regimes
G Purcek, O Saray, MI Nagimov, AA Nazarov, IM Safarov, VN Danilenko, ...
Philosophical Magazine 92 (6), 690-704, 2012
Formability of friction stir processed low carbon steels used in shipbuilding
DM Sekban, SM Akterer, O Saray, ZY Ma, G Purcek
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 34 (1), 237-244, 2018
Improvement of formability of ultrafine-grained materials by post-SPD annealing
O Saray, G Purcek, I Karaman, HJ Maier
Materials Science and Engineering: A 619, 119-128, 2014
Biaxial deformation behavior and formability of precipitation hardened ultra-fine grained (UFG) Cu–Cr–Zr alloy
O Saray
Materials Science and Engineering: A 656, 120-129, 2016
Principles of equal-channel angular sheet extrusion (ECASE): application to IF-steel sheets
O Saray, G Purcek, I Karaman
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 25, 42-51, 2010
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Articles 1–20