Opeoluwa Owoyele
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Cited by
ChemNODE: A neural ordinary differential equations framework for efficient chemical kinetic solvers
O Owoyele, P Pal
Energy and AI 7, 100118, 2022
Engine combustion system optimization using computational fluid dynamics and machine learning: a methodological approach
JA Badra, F Khaled, M Tang, Y Pei, J Kodavasal, P Pal, O Owoyele, ...
Journal of energy resources technology 143 (2), 022306, 2021
Application of deep artificial neural networks to multi-dimensional flamelet libraries and spray flames
O Owoyele, P Kundu, MM Ameen, T Echekki, S Som
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (1), 151-168, 2020
Performance analysis of a thermoelectric cooler with a corrugated architecture
O Owoyele, S Ferguson, BT O’Connor
Applied energy 147, 184-191, 2015
Toward computationally efficient combustion DNS with complex fuels via principal component transport
O Owoyele, T Echekki
Combustion Theory and Modelling 21 (4), 770-798, 2017
An automated machine learning-genetic algorithm framework with active learning for design optimization
O Owoyele, P Pal, A Vidal Torreira
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (8), 082305, 2021
Application of an automated machine learning-genetic algorithm (AutoML-GA) coupled with computational fluid dynamics simulations for rapid engine design optimization
O Owoyele, P Pal, A Vidal Torreira, D Probst, M Shaxted, M Wilde, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (9), 1586-1601, 2022
A novel machine learning-based optimization algorithm (ActivO) for accelerating simulation-driven engine design
O Owoyele, P Pal
Applied Energy 285, 116455, 2021
Efficient bifurcation and tabulation of multi-dimensional combustion manifolds using deep mixture of experts: An a priori study
O Owoyele, P Kundu, P Pal
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 5889-5896, 2021
A novel active optimization approach for rapid and efficient design space exploration using ensemble machine learning
O Owoyele, P Pal
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (3), 032307, 2021
Implementation of high dimensional flamelet manifolds for supersonic combustion using deep neural networks
S Demir, P Kundu, O Owoyele
AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 3059, 2020
Acceleration of turbulent combustion DNS via principal component transport
A Kumar, M Rieth, O Owoyele, JH Chen, T Echekki
Combustion and Flame 255, 112903, 2023
A machine learning framework for detecting COVID-19 infection using surface-enhanced Raman scattering
E Ikponmwoba, O Ukorigho, P Moitra, D Pan, MR Gartia, O Owoyele
Biosensors 12 (8), 589, 2022
A machine learning-genetic algorithm approach for rapid optimization of internal combustion engines
J Badra, O Owoyele, P Pal, S Som
artificial intelligence and data driven optimization of internal combustion …, 2022
Chemnode: A neural ordinary differential equations approach for chemical kinetics solvers
O Owoyele, P Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.04749, 2020
The stabilized explicit variable-load solver with machine learning acceleration for the rapid solution of stiff chemical kinetics
K Buchheit, O Owoyele, T Jordan, D Van Essendelft
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09395, 2019
An automated machine learning-genetic algorithm (AutoML-GA) framework with active learning for design optimization
O Owoyele, P Pal, A Vidal Torreira
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 84034, V001T06A014, 2020
Assessment of machine learning wall modeling approaches for large eddy simulation of gas turbine film cooling flows: An a priori study
T Kumar, P Pal, S Wu, AC Nunno, O Owoyele, MM Joly, D Tretiak
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146 (8), 081019, 2024
A neural ordinary differential equations approach for chemical kinetics solvers
O Owoyele, P Pal
Preprints, 2020
Efficient parameterization of flamelet manifolds via mixtures of deep experts: an a priori study
O Owoyele, P Kundu, P Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.10765, 2019
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Articles 1–20