Articles with public access mandates - Ali HajilouLearn more
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Anisotropic string tensions and inversely magnetic catalyzed deconfinement from a dynamical AdS/QCD model
H Bohra, D Dudal, A Hajilou, S Mahapatra
Physics Letters B 801, 135184, 2020
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Chiral transition in the probe approximation from an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity model
H Bohra, D Dudal, A Hajilou, S Mahapatra
Physical Review D 103 (8), 086021, 2021
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
A quenched 2-flavour Einstein–Maxwell–Dilaton gauge-gravity model
D Dudal, A Hajilou, S Mahapatra
The European Physical Journal A 57 (4), 142, 2021
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
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