Patricia C. Tice
Patricia C. Tice
ProFound Insights, Inc.
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Micromobility and the built environment
PC Tice
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 63 (1 …, 2019
Metallurgical assessment of historic wrought iron: US custom house, wheeling, West Virginia
WL Elban, MA Borst, NM Roubachewsky, EL Kemp, PC Tice
APT bulletin 29 (1), 27-34, 1998
Expanded transportation performance measures to supplement level of service (los) for growth management and transportation impact analysis
L Elefteriadou
University of Florida. Transportation Research Center, 2012
Driver attention and the built environment initial, findings from a naturalistic driving study
P Tice, S Dey Tirtha, N Eluru
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 65 (1 …, 2021
Metallographic examination and Vickers microindentation hardness testing of historic wrought iron from the Wheeling Custom House
WL Elban, MA Borst, NM Roubachewsky, EL Kemp, PC Tice
Microstructural Science. Understanding Microstructure: Key to Advances in …, 1996
Conspicuity of various colored express lane delineators: matching or contrast?
H Abou-Senna, P Tice, M El-Agroudy, GM Holley, M Mouloua, E Radwan
Transportation research record 2677 (7), 474-487, 2023
The conditioned anticipation of people (CAP) model of driving in urban spaces
PC Tice, PA Hancock, SD Tirtha, N Eluru
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 84, 301-312, 2022
Aging drivers and post delineated express lanes: Threading the needle at 70 miles per hour
PC Tice, M Mouloua, H Abou-Senna
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 74, 396-407, 2020
Human Factors Study on the Use of Colors for Express Lane Delineators
H Abou-Senna, E Radwan, M Mouloua, J Wu, J Michaelis, S Nager, ...
Florida. Department of Transportation, 2019
An Evaluation of the Skeletal Structure of the West Virginia Independence Hall, 1859
EL Kemp, PC Tice
West Virginia University, College of Engineering and Mineral Resources …, 1996
A re-evaluation of the structural system for the West Virginia Independence Hall, 1859
PC Tice
West Virginia University, 1995
The Geometric Scale of an Urban Space—Neuro-perceptual Limitations for Face-to-Face Driver Behavior
PC Tice, P Hancock
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 68 (1 …, 2024
Identifying Mental Frameworks Underlying Driver Behavior in Urban Contexts [Summary]
DW Carver, N Eluru, P Tice
Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center, 2024
Attentiveness in urban spaces: the rhythm of the street
PC Tice, S Dey Tirtha, N Eluru, PA Hancock
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 25, 101063, 2024
Urban Driver Mental Frameworks and Implications Volume 1
N Eluru, PC Tice, P Hancock, SD Tirtha, P Fernandez-Diaz
Volume 1: Urban Driver Mental Frameworks and Implications
N Eluru, P Tice, P Hancock, SD Tirtha, P Fernandez-Diaz
Florida Department of Transportation, 2023
Identifying the Links Between Mental Frameworks, Context Features, and Driver Attention in Complete Streets Environments
P Tice
Human Factors Study on the Use of Colors for Express Lane Delineators
PE Essam Radwan, M Mouloua, J Wu, P Tice, M El-Agroudy, J Michaelis, ...
The World We Always Wanted
PC Tice
Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal 89 (7), 28-31, 2019
Tice, and Kwangkyun Lim. 2012
L Elefteriadou, S Srinivasan, RL Steiner, C Patricia
Expanded Transportation Performance Measures to Supplement Level of Service …, 0
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