Kate Menken
Kate Menken
CUNY Queens College & Graduate Center
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Cited by
English learners left behind: Standardized testing as language policy
K Menken
Multilingual Matters, 2008
Negotiating language policies in schools
K Menken, O García
Educators as Policymakers. New York etc.: Roudledge, 2010
NCLB and English language learners: Challenges and consequences
K Menken
Theory Into Practice 49 (2), 121-128, 2010
The long-term impact of subtractive schooling in the educational experiences of secondary English language learners
K Menken, T Kleyn
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 13 (4), 399-417, 2010
Teaching to the test: How No Child Left Behind impacts language policy, curriculum, and instruction for English language learners
K Menken
Bilingual Research Journal 30 (2), 521-546, 2006
An Overview of the Preparation and Certification of Teachers Working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students.
K Menken, B Antunez
Looking holistically in a climate of partiality: Identities of students labeled long-term English language learners
N Flores, T Kleyn, K Menken
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 14 (2), 113-132, 2015
Spotlight on “long-term English language learners”: Characteristics and prior schooling experiences of an invisible population
K Menken, T Kleyn, N Chae
International Multilingual Research Journal 6 (2), 121-142, 2012
No child left bilingual: Accountability and the elimination of bilingual education programs in New York City schools
K Menken, C Solorza
Educational Policy 28 (1), 96-125, 2014
Emergent bilingual students in secondary school: Along the academic language and literacy continuum
K Menken
Language Teaching 46 (4), 438-476, 2013
Translanguaging in English‐only schools: From pedagogy to stance in the disruption of monolingual policies and practices
K Menken, MT Sánchez
Tesol Quarterly 53 (3), 741-767, 2019
Stirring the onion: Educators and the dynamics of language education policies (looking ahead)
O García, K Menken
Negotiating language policies in schools, 263-275, 2010
Restrictive language education policies and emergent bilingual youth: A perfect storm with imperfect outcomes
K Menken
Theory Into Practice 52 (3), 160-168, 2013
Principals as linchpins in bilingual education: The need for prepared school leaders
K Menken, C Solorza
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 18 (6), 676-697, 2015
No Child Left Behind and its effects on language policy
K Menken
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 29, 103-117, 2009
The difficult road for long-term English learners
K Menken, T Kleyn
Educational Leadership 66 (7), 26-29, 2009
What Are the Critical Issues in Wide-Scale Assessment of English Language Learners?.
K Menken
National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, The George Washington …, 2000
High-stakes tests as de facto language education policies
K Menken
Encyclopedia of language and education 7 (401-413), 2008
Cultivating an ecology of multilingualism in schools
O García, K Menken
Challenges for language education and policy: Making space for people, 95-108, 2015
School leadership along the trajectory from monolingual to multilingual
L Ascenzi-Moreno, S Hesson, K Menken
Language and Education 30 (3), 197-218, 2016
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Articles 1–20