Woosuk Bang
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Cited by
Laser-plasmas in the relativistic-transparency regime: Science and applications
JC Fernández, D Cort Gautier, C Huang, S Palaniyappan, BJ Albright, ...
Physics of plasmas 24 (5), 2017
Measurement of the plasma astrophysical S factor for the He 3 (d, p) He 4 reaction in exploding molecular clusters
M Barbui, W Bang, A Bonasera, K Hagel, K Schmidt, JB Natowitz, R Burch, ...
Physical Review Letters, 2013
Visualization of expanding warm dense gold and diamond heated rapidly by laser-generated ion beams
W Bang, BJ Albright, PA Bradley, DC Gautier, S Palaniyappan, EL Vold, ...
Scientific reports 5, 14318, 2015
Temperature measurements of fusion plasmas produced by petawatt laser-irradiated D2-3He or CD4-3He clustering gases
W Bang, M Barbui, A Bonasera, G Dyer, HJ Quevedo, K Hagel, K Schmidt, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (5), 055002, 2013
Uniform heating of materials into the warm dense matter regime with laser-driven quasimonoenergetic ion beams
W Bang, BJ Albright, PA Bradley, EL Vold, JC Boettger, JC Fernández
Physical Review E 92 (6), 063101, 2015
Optimization of the neutron yield in fusion plasmas produced by Coulomb explosions of deuterium clusters irradiated by a petawatt laser
W Bang, G Dyer, HJ Quevedo, AC Bernstein, E Gaul, M Donovan, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (2 …, 2013
Fast neutron production from lithium converters and laser driven protons
M Storm, S Jiang, D Wertepny, C Orban, J Morrison, C Willis, E McCary, ...
Physics of Plasmas 20 (5), 2013
Experimental study of fusion neutron and proton yields produced by petawatt-laser-irradiated D-He or CD-He clustering gases
W Bang, M Barbui, A Bonasera, HJ Quevedo, G Dyer, AC Bernstein, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Model-independent determination of the astrophysical factor in laser-induced fusion plasmas
D Lattuada, M Barbarino, A Bonasera, W Bang, HJ Quevedo, M Warren, ...
Physical Review C 93 (4), 045808, 2016
Optimum laser intensity for the production of energetic deuterium ions from laser-cluster interaction
W Bang, G Dyer, HJ Quevedo, AC Bernstein, E Gaul, J Rougk, F Aymond, ...
Physics of Plasmas 20 (9), 2013
Diagnostics improvement in the ABC facility and preliminary tests on laser interaction with light-atom clusters and p+ 11B targets
F Consoli, R De Angelis, P Andreoli, G Cristofari, G Di Giorgio, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
Calibration of the neutron detectors for the cluster fusion experiment on the Texas Petawatt Laser
W Bang, HJ Quevedo, G Dyer, J Rougk, I Kim, M McCormick, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (6), 2012
The Texas petawatt laser and current experiments
M Martinez, W Bang, G Dyer, XM Wang, E Gaul, T Borger, M Ringuette, ...
Linear dependence of surface expansion speed on initial plasma temperature in warm dense matter
W Bang, BJ Albright, PA Bradley, EL Vold, JC Boettger, JC Fernández
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 29441, 2016
Characterization of deuterium clusters mixed with helium gas for an application in beam-target-fusion experiments
W Bang, HJ Quevedo, AC Bernstein, G Dyer, YS Ihn, J Cortez, F Aymond, ...
Physical Review E 90 (6), 063109, 2014
Generation of Mie size microdroplet aerosols with applications in laser-driven fusion experiments
AP Higginbotham, O Semonin, S Bruce, C Chan, M Maindi, TD Donnelly, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (6), 2009
Disassembly time of deuterium-cluster-fusion plasma irradiated by an intense laser pulse
W Bang
Physical Review E 92 (1), 013102, 2015
Monte carlo study of imaging plate response to laser-driven aluminum ion beams
J Won, J Song, S Palaniyappan, DC Gautier, W Jeong, JC Fernández, ...
Applied sciences 11 (2), 820, 2021
Temperature evolution of dense gold and diamond heated by energetic laser-driven aluminum ions
C Song, S Lee, W Bang
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 15173, 2022
Characteristics of electron beams accelerated by parallel and antiparallel circularly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian laser pulses
H Song, KH Pae, J Won, J Song, S Lee, CM Kim, CM Ryu, W Bang, ...
Applied Physics B 129 (4), 56, 2023
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Articles 1–20