José Cáceres-Cruz
José Cáceres-Cruz
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Rich vehicle routing problem: Survey
J Caceres-Cruz, P Arias, D Guimarans, D Riera, AA Juan
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (2), 1-28, 2014
A simheuristic algorithm for the single-period stochastic inventory-routing problem with stock-outs
AA Juan, SE Grasman, J Caceres-Cruz, T Bektaş
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 46, 40-52, 2014
Using parallel & distributed computing for real-time solving of vehicle routing problems with stochastic demands
AA Juan, J Faulin, J Jorba, J Caceres, JM Marquès
Annals of Operations Research 207, 43-65, 2013
Combining Monte Carlo simulation with heuristics for solving the inventory routing problem with stochastic demands
J Cáceres-Cruz, AA Juan, T Bektas, SE Grasman, J Faulin
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (Wsc), 1-9, 2012
Combining Monte Carlo simulation with heuristics for solving the inventory routing problem with stochastic demands
J Cáceres-Cruz, AA Juan, T Bektas, SE Grasman, J Faulin
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (Wsc), 1-9, 2012
Combining Monte-Carlo Simulation with Heuristics for solving the Inventory Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands
AA Juan Perez, T Bektas, S Grasman, JJ Caceres Cruz, FJ Faulín Fajardo
Solving vehicle routing problems with asymmetric costs and heterogeneous fleets
R Herrero, A Rodríguez, J Cáceres-Cruz, AA Juan
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 6 (1), 58-80, 2014
A simulation-based algorithm for the integrated location and routing problem in urban logistics
A Muñoz-Villamizar, JR Montoya-Torres, AA Juan, J Cáceres-Cruz
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 2032-2041, 2013
A simulation-based algorithm for the integrated location and routing problem in urban logistics
A Munoz-Villamizar, JR Montoya-Torres, AA Juan, J Caceres-Cruz
Simulation Conference (WSC), 2013 Winter, 2032-2041, 2013
A savings-based randomized heuristic for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with multi-trips
J Caceres-Cruz, A Grasas, H Ramalhinho, AA Juan
Journal of Applied Operational Research 6 (2), 69-81, 2014
A successive approximations method for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem: analysing different fleet configurations
AA Juan, J Faulin, J Caceres-Cruz, BB Barrios, E Martinez
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 8 (6), 762-788, 2014
Vehicle routing in a Spanish distribution company: Saving using a savings-based heuristic
A Grasas, J Caceres-Cruz, HR Lourenço, AA Juan, M Roca
OR Insight 26, 191-202, 2013
Biased Randomization of Classical Heuristics
AA Juan, J Cáceres-Cruz, S González-Martín, D Riera, BB Barrios
Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 304-314, 2014
Applying a savings algorithm for solving a rich vehicle routing problem in a real urban context
J Cáceres-Cruz, D Riera, R Buil, AA Juan
5th International conference on applied operational research. Lecture notes …, 2013
Randomized Algorithms for Rich Vehicle Routing Problems: From a Specialized Approach to a Generic Methodology
JJ Cáceres Cruz
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2013
A hybrid algorithm combining path scanning and biased random sampling for the Arc Routing Problem
S González Martín, AA Juan Pérez, D Riera Terrén, JJ Caceres Cruz
Multi-start approach for solving an asymmetric heterogeneous vehicle routing problem in a real urban context
JJ Caceres Cruz, D Riera Terrén, R Buil, AA Juan Perez, R Herrero Antón
2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference-Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, WSC 2013
A Muñoz-Villamizar, JR Montoya-Torres, AA Juan, J Cáceres-Cruz
Using Parallel & Distributed Computing for Solving Real-time Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands
JM Marquès Puig, J Faulin, JJ Caceres Cruz, J Jorba Esteve, ...
A simulation-based algorithm for the integrated location and routing problem in urban logistics
AA Juan Perez, A Munoz, J Montoya, JJ Caceres Cruz
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