Maaike Knol-Kauffman
Maaike Knol-Kauffman
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
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Exploring the winners and losers of marine environmental governance/Marine spatial planning: Cui bono?/“More than fishy business”: epistemology, integration and conflict in …
W Flannery, G Ellis, G Ellis, W Flannery, M Nursey-Bray, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 17 (1), 121-151, 2016
Marine spatial planning: risk or opportunity for fisheries in the North Sea?
S Jentoft, M Knol
Maritime Studies 12, 1-16, 2014
Arctic Futures: conceptualizations and images of a changing Arctic
P Arbo, A Iversen, M Knol, T Ringholm, G Sander
Polar Geography, 2012
Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
M Knol, P Arbo
Marine Policy 50, 171-177, 2014
Scientific advice in integrated ocean management: the process towards the Barents Sea plan
M Knol
Marine Policy 34 (2), 252-260, 2010
The transformation of the oceans and the future of marine social science
P Arbo, M Knol, S Linke, K St. Martin
Maritime Studies 17, 295-304, 2018
Sea ice variability and maritime activity around Svalbard in the period 2012–2019
AN Stocker, A Renner, M Knol-Kauffman
Scientific Reports 10 (17043), 12, 2020
Mapping ocean governance: from ecological values to policy instrumentation
M Knol
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54 (7), 979-995, 2011
Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy
DB Karcher, C Cvitanovic, IE van Putten, RM Colvin, D Armitage, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 314, 114994, 2022
Copernicus marine service ocean state report, issue 5
K von Schuckmann, PY Le Traon, N Smith, A Pascual, S Djavidnia, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 14 (sup1), 1-185, 2021
Constructivism and post-constructivism: The methodological implications of employing a post-constructivist research approach
M Knol
The changing role of environmental information in Arctic marine governance
M Lamers, A Pristupa, B Amelung, M Knol
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18, 49-55, 2016
Toward valuable weather and sea-ice services for the marine Arctic: exploring user–producer interfaces of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
J Jeuring, M Knol-Kauffman, A Sivle
Polar Geography 43 (2-3), 139-159, 2020
Making the Arctic predictable: The changing information infrastructure of Arctic weather and sea ice services
M Knol, P Arbo, P Duske, S Gerland, M Lamers, O Pavlova, AD Sivle, ...
Polar Geography 41 (4), 279-293, 2018
Arctic shipping trends during hazardous weather and sea-ice conditions and the Polar Code's effectiveness.
M Müller, M Knol-Kauffman, J Jeuring, C Palerme
npj Ocean Sustainability, 2023
The uncertainties of precaution: Zero discharges in the Barents Sea
M Knol
Marine Policy 35 (3), 399-404, 2011
Making ecosystem-based management operational: integrated monitoring in Norway
M Knol
Maritime Studies 12 (5), 1-17, 2013
Marine Ecosystem Governance in the Making: Planning for petroleum activity in the Barents Sea-Lofoten area
M Knol, University of Tromsoe(Norway), Faculty of
Universitetet i Tromsø, 2010
Constructing knowledge gaps in Barents Sea management: how uncertainties become objects of risk
M Knol
Maritime Studies 9 (1), 61-79, 2010
Understanding the creation and use of polar weather and climate information
RL Thoman Jr, J Dawson, D Liggett, M Lamers, E Stewart, G Ljubicic, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (1), ES3-ES5, 2017
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