Kejie Fang
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Cited by
Realizing effective magnetic field for photons by controlling the phase of dynamic modulation
K Fang, Z Yu, S Fan
Nature photonics 6 (11), 782-787, 2012
Generalized non-reciprocity in an optomechanical circuit via synthetic magnetism and reservoir engineering
K Fang, J Luo, A Metelmann, MH Matheny, F Marquardt, AA Clerk, ...
Nature Physics 13 (5), 465-471, 2017
Photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect based on dynamic modulation
K Fang, Z Yu, S Fan
Physical review letters 108 (15), 153901, 2012
Non-reciprocal phase shift induced by an effective magnetic flux for light
LD Tzuang, K Fang, P Nussenzveig, S Fan, M Lipson
Nature photonics 8 (9), 701-705, 2014
Optical transduction and routing of microwave phonons in cavity-optomechanical circuits
K Fang, MH Matheny, X Luan, O Painter
Nature Photonics 10 (7), 489-496, 2016
High-sensitivity magnetometry based on quantum beats in diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers
K Fang, VM Acosta, C Santori, Z Huang, KM Itoh, H Watanabe, S Shikata, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 130802, 2013
Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions
E Li, BJ Eggleton, K Fang, S Fan
Nature communications 5 (1), 3225, 2014
Controlling the Flow of Light Using the Inhomogeneous Effective Gauge Field that Emerges<? format?> from Dynamic Modulation
K Fang, S Fan
Physical review letters 111 (20), 203901, 2013
Experimental demonstration of a photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect at radio frequencies
K Fang, Z Yu, S Fan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 060301, 2013
Ultracompact nonreciprocal optical isolator based on guided resonance in a magneto-optical photonic crystal slab
K Fang, Z Yu, V Liu, S Fan
Optics letters 36 (21), 4254-4256, 2011
Microscopic theory of photonic one-way edge mode
K Fang, Z Yu, S Fan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (7), 075477, 2011
InGaP quantum nanophotonic integrated circuits with 1.5% nonlinearity-to-loss ratio
M Zhao, K Fang
Optica 9 (2), 258-263, 2022
Optomechanical crystal with bound states in the continuum
S Liu, H Tong, K Fang
Nature communications 13 (1), 3187, 2022
Effective magnetic field for photons based on the magneto-optical effect
K Fang, S Fan
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (4), 043847, 2013
Observation of phonon trapping in the continuum with topological charges
H Tong, S Liu, M Zhao, K Fang
Nature communications 11 (1), 5216, 2020
Anomalous quantum hall effect of light in bloch-wave modulated photonic crystals
K Fang, Y Wang
Physical review letters 122 (23), 233904, 2019
Mechanical bound states in the continuum for macroscopic optomechanics
M Zhao, K Fang
Optics Express 27 (7), 10138-10151, 2019
Photonic de Haas-van Alphen effect
K Fang, Z Yu, S Fan
Optics Express 21 (15), 18216-18224, 2013
Local density of states of chiral Hall edge states in gyrotropic photonic clusters
AA Asatryan, LC Botten, K Fang, S Fan, RC McPhedran
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (3), 035127, 2013
Continuous-variable graph states for quantum metrology
Y Wang, K Fang
Physical Review A 102 (5), 052601, 2020
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Articles 1–20