Robert J. Steidl
Robert J. Steidl
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Woody plant encroachment: causes and consequences
SR Archer, EM Andersen, KI Predick, S Schwinning, RJ Steidl, SR Woods
Rangeland systems: Processes, management and challenges, 25-84, 2017
Wildlife and recreationists: coexistence through management and research
P Kerlinger, J Burger, HK Cordell, DJ Decker, DN Cole, P Landres, ...
Island Press, 2013
Statistical power analysis in wildlife research
RJ Steidl, JP Hayes, E Schauber
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 270-279, 1997
Experimental effects of human activityon breeding bald eagles
RJ Steidl, RG Anthony
Ecological Applications 10 (1), 258-268, 2000
Statistical power analysis and amphibian population trends
JP Hayes, RJ Steidl
Conservation Biology 11 (1), 273-275, 1997
Power analysis and experimental design
RJ Steidl, L Thomas
Design and analysis of ecological experiments 2, 415, 2001
Effects of cave tours on breeding Myotis velifer
SL Mann, RJ Steidl, VM Dalton
The Journal of wildlife management, 618-624, 2002
Responses of bald eagles to human activity during the summer in interior Alaska
RJ Steidl, RG Anthony
Ecological Applications 6 (2), 482-491, 1996
Assessing the effects of human activities on wildlife
RJ Steidl, BF Powell
The George Wright Forum 23 (2), 50-58, 2006
Flush responses of Mexican spotted owls to recreationists
ECH Swarthout, RJ Steidl
The Journal of wildlife management, 312-317, 2001
Does survey method bias the description of Northern Goshawk nest-site structure?
SK Daw, S DeStefano, RJ Steidl
The Journal of wildlife management, 1379-1384, 1998
Contaminant levels of osprey eggs and prey reflect regional differences in reproductive success
RJ Steidl, CR Griffin, LJ Niles
The Journal of wildlife management, 601-608, 1991
Nesting habitat and reproductive success of southwestern riparian birds
BF Powell, RJ Steidl
The Condor 102 (4), 823-831, 2000
Interactive effects of fire and nonnative plants on small mammals in Grasslands: Effets Interactifs du Feu et des Plantes Non Indigènes sur les Petits Mammifères dans les Prairies
AR Litt, RJ Steidl
Wildlife Monographs 176 (1), 1-31, 2011
Identifying habitat sinks: a case study of Cooper’s hawks in an urban environment
RW Mannan, RJ Steidl, CW Boal
Urban Ecosystems 11 (2), 141-148, 2008
Woody plant encroachment restructures bird communities in semiarid grasslands
EM Andersen, RJ Steidl
Biological Conservation 240, 108276, 2019
Movements, Activity, and Spacing of Sonoran Mud Turtles (Kinosternon Sonoriense) in Interrupted Mountain Streams
DH Hall, RJ Steidl
Copeia 2007 (2), 403-412, 2007
Insect assemblages change along a gradient of invasion by a nonnative grass
AR Litt, RJ Steidl
Biological Invasions 12, 3449-3463, 2010
Evaluating survey methods for monitoring a rare vertebrate, the Sonoran desert tortoise
ER Zylstra, RJ Steidl, DE Swann
The Journal of wildlife management 74 (6), 1311-1318, 2010
Bed-site selection by desert mule deer in southern Arizona
JC Tull, PR Krausman, RJ Steidl
The Southwestern Naturalist, 354-357, 2001
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Articles 1–20