Implementation issues in spectrum sensing for cognitive radios D Cabric, SM Mishra, RW Brodersen Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2004 | 4021 | 2004 |
Spectrum sensing measurements of pilot, energy, and collaborative detection D Cabric, A Tkachenko, RW Brodersen Milcom 2006-2006 IEEE military communications conference, 1-7, 2006 | 896 | 2006 |
Experimental study of spectrum sensing based on energy detection and network cooperation D Cabric, A Tkachenko, RW Brodersen Proceedings of the first international workshop on Technology and policy for …, 2006 | 627 | 2006 |
A cognitive radio approach for usage of virtual unlicensed spectrum D Čabrić, SM Mishra, D Willkomm, R Brodersen, A Wolisz 14th IST mobile and wireless communications summit, 2005 | 550 | 2005 |
Corvus: a cognitive radio approach for usage of virtual unlicensed spectrum RW Brodersen, A Wolisz, D Cabric, SM Mishra, D Willkomm Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC) White paper 18, 2004 | 409 | 2004 |
Physical layer design issues unique to cognitive radio systems D Cabric, RW Brodersen 2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2005 | 344 | 2005 |
Spectrum sharing radios D Cabric, ID O'Donnell, MSW Chen, RW Brodersen IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 6 (2), 30-45, 2006 | 321 | 2006 |
A real time cognitive radio testbed for physical and link layer experiments SM Mishra, D Cabric, C Chang, D Willkomm, B Van Schewick, A Wolisz, ... First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005 | 233 | 2005 |
Cognitive radio: Ten years of experimentation and development P Pawelczak, K Nolan, L Doyle, SW Oh, D Cabric IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (3), 90-100, 2011 | 229 | 2011 |
Reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing with trusted nodes assistance K Zeng, P Pawelczak, D Cabric IEEE communications letters 14 (3), 226-228, 2010 | 227 | 2010 |
Weighted centroid localization algorithm: Theoretical analysis and distributed implementation J Wang, P Urriza, Y Han, D Cabric IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 10 (10), 3403-3413, 2011 | 216 | 2011 |
Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing OverandExtreme Fading Channels PC Sofotasios, E Rebeiz, L Zhang, TA Tsiftsis, D Cabric, S Freear IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (3), 1031-1040, 2012 | 204 | 2012 |
Cyclostationary feature detector experiments using reconfigurable BEE2 A Tkachenko, D Cabric, RW Brodersen 2007 2nd ieee international symposium on new frontiers in dynamic spectrum …, 2007 | 190 | 2007 |
Addressing feasibility of cognitive radios D Cabric IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25 (6), 85-93, 2008 | 138 | 2008 |
Cognitive radios: System design perspective DB Cabric University of California, Berkeley, 2007 | 121 | 2007 |
Performance, power, and area design trade-offs in millimeter-wave transmitter beamforming architectures H Yan, S Ramesh, T Gallagher, C Ling, D Cabric IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 19 (2), 33-58, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Open set wireless transmitter authorization: Deep learning approaches and dataset considerations S Hanna, S Karunaratne, D Cabric IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 7 (1), 59-72, 2020 | 91 | 2020 |
Cramer-Rao bounds for joint RSS/DoA-based primary-user localization in cognitive radio networks J Wang, J Chen, D Cabric IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12 (3), 1363-1375, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Performance and Cramer–Rao bounds for DoA/RSS estimation and transmitter localization using sectorized antennas J Werner, J Wang, A Hakkarainen, D Cabric, M Valkama IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (5), 3255-3270, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
WiSig: A large-scale WiFi signal dataset for receiver and channel agnostic RF fingerprinting S Hanna, S Karunaratne, D Cabric IEEE Access 10, 22808-22818, 2022 | 84 | 2022 |