Magnus Larson
Magnus Larson
Professor of Water Resources Engineering
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SBEACH: Numerical model for simulating storm-induced beach change, Report 1: Empirical foundation and model development
M Larson, NC Kraus
(No Title), 1989
Variability of shore and shoreline evolution
MJF Stive, SGJ Aarninkhof, L Hamm, H Hanson, M Larson, KM Wijnberg, ...
Coastal engineering 47 (2), 211-235, 2002
State of knowledge on measurement and modeling of coastal overwash
C Donnelly, N Kraus, M Larson
Journal of coastal research 22 (4), 965-991, 2006
Temporal and spatial scales of beach profile change, Duck, North Carolina
M Larson, NC Kraus
Marine Geology 117 (1-4), 75-94, 1994
SBEACH: Numerical model for simulating storm-induced beach change
M Larson, NC Kraus, JD Rosati
Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1989
An analytical model to predict dune erosion due to wave impact
M Larson, L Erikson, H Hanson
Coastal engineering 51 (8-9), 675-696, 2004
Evaluation of beach erosion and accretion predictors
NC Kraus
Proc. Conf. Coastal Sediments' 91, ASCE, 1991
Prediction of cross-shore sediment transport at different spatial and temporal scales
M Larson, NC Kraus
Marine geology 126 (1-4), 111-127, 1995
A new formula for the total longshore sediment transport rate
A Bayram, M Larson, H Hanson
Coastal Engineering 54 (9), 700-710, 2007
A general formula for non-cohesive bed load sediment transport
B Camenen, M Larson
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 63 (1-2), 249-260, 2005
Analytical solutions of the one-line model of shoreline change
M Larson, H Hanson, NC Kraus
(No Title), 1987
Modelling of coastal evolution on yearly to decadal time scales
H Hanson, S Aarninkhof, M Capobianco, JA Jimenez, M Larson, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 790-811, 2003
Engineering methods for predicting beach profile response
DL Kriebel, NC Kraus, M Larson
Coastal Sediments, 557-571, 1991
Numerical model of longshore current for bar and trough beaches
M Larson, NC Kraus
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 117 (4), 326-347, 1991
Cross-shore distribution of longshore sediment transport: comparison between predictive formulas and field measurements
A Bayram, M Larson, HC Miller, NC Kraus
Coastal Engineering 44 (2), 79-99, 2001
Equilibrium beach profiles under breaking and non-breaking waves
M Larson, NC Kraus, RA Wise
Coastal Engineering 36 (1), 59-85, 1999
Depth of closure in beach-fill design
NC Kraus, M Larson, RA Wise
Coastal Engineering Technical Note CETN II-40 3, 98, 1998
Two-dimensional depth-averaged circulation model CMS-M2D: Version 3.0, Report 2: Sediment transport and morphology change
AM Buttolph, CW Reed, NC Kraus, N Ono, M Larson, B Camenen, ...
ERDC/CHL TR-06 9, 2006
Sbeach: Numerical model for simulating storm-induced beach change. report 2. numerical formulation and model tests
M Larson, NC Kraus, MR Byrnes
Variation in turbidity with precipitation and flow in a regulated river system–river Göta Älv, SW Sweden
G Göransson, M Larson, D Bendz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (7), 2529-2542, 2013
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Articles 1–20