Semhar Ogbagaber
Semhar Ogbagaber
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Cited by
Course of cognitive impairment following attempted suicide in older adults
S Gujral, S Ogbagaber, AY Dombrovski, MA Butters, JF Karp, K Szanto
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 31 (6), 592-600, 2016
Design of sequentially randomized trials for testing adaptive treatment strategies
SB Ogbagaber, J Karp, AS Wahed
Statistics in medicine 35 (6), 840-858, 2016
The SUCCESS program for smoking cessation for pregnant women
S Albrecht, K Kelly‐Thomas, JW Osborne, S Ogbagaber
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 40 (5), 520-531, 2011
Response to antidepressant medications in late-life depression across the spectrum of cognitive functioning
AM Koenig, MA Butters, A Begley, S Ogbagaber, AS Wahed, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 75 (2), 18157, 2014
Statistical inference problems in sequential parallel comparison design
Y Cui, S Ogbagaber, HMJ Hung
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 29 (6), 1116-1129, 2019
Summer activity patterns among teenage girls: harmonic shape invariant modeling to estimate circadian cycles
S Ogbagaber, PS Albert, D Lewin, RJ Iannotti
Journal of Circadian Rhythms 10 (1), 1-8, 2012
Rejoinder to “Statistical inference problems in sequential parallel comparison designs”
Y Cui, S Ogbagaber, HMJ Hung
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 29 (6), 1134-1136, 2019
A hidden Markov modeling approach combining objective measure of activity and subjective measure of self-reported sleep to estimate the sleep-wake cycle
SB Ogbagaber, Y Cui, K Li, RJ Iannotti, PS Albert
Journal of Applied Statistics 51 (2), 370-387, 2024
A numerical method for estimating the variance of age at maximum growth rate in growth models
S Ogbagaber
Statistical Analysis of SMART Studies via Artificial Randomization
AS Wahed, SB Ogbagaber
Early Career Psychiatrists Response to Antidepressant Medications in Late-Life
AM Koenig, MA Butters, A Begley, S Ogbagaber, AS Wahed, ...
J Clin Psychiatry 75 (2), e100-e107, 2014
Hypothesis testing in sequentially randomized designs through artificial randomization
SB Ogbagaber
University of Pittsburgh, 2014
Pathways to Remission of Late Life Depression, Across the Spectrum of Cognitive Functioning
AM Koenig, M Butters, A Begley, S Ogbagaber, AS Wahed, CF Reynolds
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 21 (3), S65-S66, 2013
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Articles 1–13