Sarah T Stewart
Sarah T Stewart
Other namesSarah Stewart-Mukhopadhyay
Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
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Cited by
Making the Moon from a fast-spinning Earth: A giant impact followed by resonant despinning
M Ćuk, ST Stewart
Science 338 (6110), 1047-1052, 2012
Collisions between gravity-dominated bodies. I. Outcome regimes and scaling laws
ZM Leinhardt, ST Stewart
The Astrophysical Journal 745 (1), 79, 2011
The origin of the Moon within a terrestrial synestia
SJ Lock, ST Stewart, MI Petaev, Z Leinhardt, MT Mace, SB Jacobsen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (4), 910-951, 2018
Velocity-dependent catastrophic disruption criteria for planetesimals
ST Stewart, ZM Leinhardt
The Astrophysical Journal 691 (2), L133, 2009
Records of an ancient Martian magnetic field in ALH84001
BP Weiss, H Vali, FJ Baudenbacher, JL Kirschvink, ST Stewart, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201 (3-4), 449-463, 2002
Collisions between gravity-dominated bodies. II. The diversity of impact outcomes during the end stage of planet formation
ST Stewart, ZM Leinhardt
The Astrophysical Journal 751 (1), 32, 2012
Full numerical simulations of catastrophic small body collisions
ZM Leinhardt, ST Stewart
Icarus 199 (2), 542-559, 2009
An impactor origin for lunar magnetic anomalies
MA Wieczorek, BP Weiss, ST Stewart
Science 335 (6073), 1212-1215, 2012
Impact crater formation in icy layered terrains on Mars
LE Senft, ST Stewart
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43 (12), 1993-2013, 2008
Minimum radii of super-Earths: Constraints from giant impacts
RA Marcus, D Sasselov, L Hernquist, ST Stewart
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 712 (1), L73-L76, 2010
Collisional Stripping and Disruption of Super-Earths
RA Marcus, ST Stewart, D Sasselov, L Hernquist
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 700 (2), L118-L122, 2009
The sustainability of habitability on terrestrial planets: Insights, questions, and needed measurements from Mars for understanding the evolution of Earth‐like worlds
BL Ehlmann, FS Anderson, J Andrews‐Hanna, DC Catling, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 121 (10), 1927-1961, 2016
Shock vaporization of silica and the thermodynamics of planetary impact events
RG Kraus, ST Stewart, DC Swift, CA Bolme, RF Smith, S Hamel, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 117 (E9), 2012
Modeling impact cratering in layered surfaces
LE Senft, ST Stewart
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 112 (E11), 2007
Tidal evolution of the Moon from a high-obliquity, high-angular-momentum Earth
M Ćuk, DP Hamilton, SJ Lock, ST Stewart
Nature 539 (7629), 402-406, 2016
Characteristics of the Galileo probe entry site from Earth-based remote sensing observations
GS Orton, BM Fisher, ST Stewart, JL Ortiz, M Marinova, S Hinkley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research 103, 22791-22814, 1997
The formation of the collisional family around the dwarf planet Haumea
ZM Leinhardt, RA Marcus, ST Stewart
The Astrophysical Journal 714 (2), 1789-1799, 2010
Evolution and persistence of 5-μm hot spots at the Galileo probe entry latitude
JL Ortiz, GS Orton, AJ Friedson, ST Stewart, BM Fisher, JR Spencer
Journal of Geophysical Research 103 (E10), 23051-23,069, 1998
High-pressure x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of ice VIII
Y Yoshimura, ST Stewart, M Somayazulu, H Mao, RJ Hemley
The Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 024502, 2006
The structure of terrestrial bodies: Impact heating, corotation limits, and synestias
SJ Lock, ST Stewart
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (5), 950-982, 2017
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Articles 1–20