Articles with public access mandates - Barney LuttbegLearn more
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Resource selection by recolonizing American Black bears
EJ Lustig, SB Lyda, DM Leslie Jr, B Luttbeg, WS Fairbanks
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (3), 531-542, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
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Transgenerational plasticity in human-altered environments
SC Donelan, JK Hellmann, AM Bell, B Luttbeg, JL Orrock, MJ Sheriff, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35 (2), 115-124, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions
JP Suraci, JA Smith, S Chamaillé‐Jammes, KM Gaynor, M Jones, ...
Oikos 2022 (8), e09004, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, Agence …
To marry again or not: a dynamic model for demographic transition
B Luttbeg, MB Mulder, M Mangel
Adaptation and human behavior, 345-368, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Resource levels and prey state influence antipredator behavior and the strength of nonconsumptive predator effects
CM Matassa, SC Donelan, B Luttbeg, GC Trussell
Oikos 125 (10), 1478-1488, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Shaped by the past, acting in the present: transgenerational plasticity of anti‐predatory traits
LE Beaty, JD Wormington, BJ Kensinger, KN Bayley, SR Goeppner, ...
Oikos 125 (11), 1570-1576, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation
Safety cues can give prey more valuable information than danger cues
B Luttbeg, MCO Ferrari, DT Blumstein, DP Chivers
The American Naturalist 195 (4), 636-648, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, Natural …
Spatial scale influences the outcome of the predator–prey space race between tadpoles and predatory dragonflies
JI Hammond, B Luttbeg, T Brodin, A Sih
Functional ecology 26 (2), 522-531, 2012
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Integrating theoretical and empirical approaches for a robust understanding of endocrine flexibility
JL Grindstaff, LE Beaty, M Ambardar, B Luttbeg
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (Suppl_1), jeb243408, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Mathematical modeling reveals how the speed of endocrine regulation should affect baseline and stress-induced glucocorticoid levels
B Luttbeg, LE Beaty, M Ambardar, JL Grindstaff
Hormones and behavior 136, 105059, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Fine-scale habitat selection limits trade-offs between foraging and temperature in a grassland bird
DW Londe, RD Elmore, CA Davis, SD Fuhlendorf, TJ Hovick, B Luttbeg, ...
Behavioral Ecology 32 (4), 625-637, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Re-examining the causes and meaning of the risk allocation hypothesis
B Luttbeg
The American Naturalist 189 (6), 644-656, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Stress hormone-mediated antipredator morphology improves escape performance in amphibian tadpoles
ME Fraker, SA Ludsin, B Luttbeg, RJ Denver
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 4427, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Predator hunting modes and predator–prey space games
B Luttbeg, JI Hammond, T Brodin, A Sih
Ethology 126 (4), 476-485, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Weather influences multiple components of greater prairie‐chicken reproduction
DW Londe, RD Elmore, CA Davis, SD Fuhlendorf, TJ Hovick, B Luttbeg, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (1), 121-134, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Different morphological traits influence predator defense and space use in Physa acuta
B Stevison, B Kensinger, B Luttbeg
American Malacological Bulletin 34 (2), 79-84, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Optimal hormonal regulation when stressor cues are imperfect
B Luttbeg, JL Grindstaff
Hormones and behavior 144, 105227, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
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