Ye He
Cited by
Cited by
Beyond knowledge: Exploring why some teachers are more thoughtfully adaptive than others
CM Fairbanks, GG Duffy, BS Faircloth, Y He, B Levin, J Rohr, C Stein
Journal of Teacher Education 61 (1-2), 161-171, 2010
The appreciative advising revolution
JL Bloom, BL Hutson, Y He
Stipes Publishing, 2008
Investigating the content and sources of teacher candidates' personal practical theories (PPTs)
B Levin, Y He
Journal of teacher education 59 (1), 55-68, 2008
Appreciative advising
J Bloom, B Hutson, Y He
Academic advising approaches: Strategies that teach students to make the …, 2013
Strength‐based mentoring in pre‐service teacher education: A literature review
Y He
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 17 (3), 263-275, 2009
Impact of short-term study abroad program: Inservice teachers' development of intercultural competence and pedagogical beliefs
Y He, K Lundgren, P Pynes
Teaching and teacher education 66, 147-157, 2017
Universal design for learning in an online teacher education course: Enhancing learners’ confidence to teach online
Y He
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 10 (2), 283-298, 2014
Effects of mentoring programs on new teacher retention: A literature review
S Waterman, Y He
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 19 (2), 139-156, 2011
Comparative analysis of preservice teachers’ reflective thinking in synchronous versus asynchronous online case discussions
BB Levin, Y He, HH Robbins
Journal of technology and teacher education 14 (3), 439-460, 2006
Appreciative assessment in academic advising
Y He, B Hutson
The Review of Higher Education 39 (2), 213-240, 2016
Appreciative education
JL Bloom, BL Hutson, Y He, E Konkle
New Directions for Student Services 143 (143), 5-18, 2013
Imagined community of education: Voices from refugees and immigrants
Y He, SC Bettez, BB Levin
Urban Education 52 (8), 957-985, 2017
Match or mismatch? How congruent are the beliefs of teacher candidates, cooperating teachers, and university-based teacher educators?
Y He, BB Levin
Teacher Education Quarterly 35 (4), 37-55, 2008
Struggles and strategies in teaching: Voices of five novice secondary teachers
Y He, J Cooper
Teacher education quarterly 38 (2), 97-116, 2011
Teacher beliefs in action: A cross-sectional, longitudinal follow-up study of teachers' personal practical theories
BB Levin, Y He, MH Allen
The Teacher Educator 48 (3), 201-217, 2013
Developing teachers’ cultural competence: Application of appreciative inquiry in ESL teacher education
Y He
Teacher development 17 (1), 55-71, 2013
Developing critical cultural competence: A guide for 21st-century educators
JE Cooper, Y He, BB Levin
Corwin Press, 2011
Moving beyond ‘just good teaching’: ESL professional development for all teachers
Y He, K Prater, T Steed
Professional development in education 37 (1), 7-18, 2011
The ABCs for pre‐service teacher cultural competency development
Y He, JE Cooper
Teaching Education 20 (3), 305-322, 2009
Decentering whiteness in teacher education: Addressing the questions of who, with whom, and how
DJ Carter Andrews, Y He, JE Marciano, G Richmond, M Salazar
Journal of Teacher Education 72 (2), 134-137, 2021
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