Dananjeyan Balachandar
Dananjeyan Balachandar
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Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by traditional users in Villupuram district of Tamil Nadu, India
S Sankaranarayanan, P Bama, J Ramachandran, PT Kalaichelvan, ...
J Med Plants Res 4 (12), 1089-1101, 2010
Plant-associated Bacillus modulates the expression of auxin-responsive genes of rice and modifies the root architecture
S Ambreetha, C Chinnadurai, P Marimuthu, D Balachandar
Rhizosphere 5, 57-66, 2018
Effect of long-term nutrient managements on biological and biochemical properties of semi-arid tropical Alfisol during maize crop development stages
SM Tamilselvi, C Chinnadurai, K Ilamurugu, K Arulmozhiselvan, ...
Ecological Indicators 48, 76-87, 2015
Expression of Zinc Transporter Genes in Rice as Influenced by Zinc-Solubilizing Enterobacter cloacae Strain ZSB14
S Krithika, D Balachandar
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 446, 2016
Elucidation of rice rhizosphere metagenome in relation to methane and nitrogen metabolism under elevated carbon dioxide and temperature using whole genome metagenomic approach
P Bhattacharyya, KS Roy, M Das, S Ray, D Balachandar, S Karthikeyan, ...
Science of the Total Environment 542, 886-898, 2016
Mitigation of drought stress in rice crop with plant growth‐promoting abiotic stress‐tolerant rice phyllosphere bacteria
D Arun K, KG Sabarinathan, M Gomathy, R Kannan, D Balachandar
Journal of Basic Microbiology 60 (9), 768-786, 2020
Characterization of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase producing methylobacteria from phyllosphere of rice and their role in ethylene regulation
C Chinnadurai, D Balachandar, SP Sundaram
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 25, 1403-1411, 2009
Non-rhizobial nodulation in legumes
D Balachandar, P Raja, K Kumar, SP Sundaram
Biotechnol Mol Biol Rev 2 (2), 049-057, 2007
Impact of long-term organic and inorganic nutrient managements on the biological properties and eubacterial community diversity of the Indian semi-arid Alfisol
C Chinnadurai, G Gopalaswamy, D Balachandar
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60 (4), 531-548, 2014
An investigation of groundwater quality and its suitability to irrigated agriculture in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India–A GIS approach
D Balachandar, P Sundararaj, KR Murthy, K Kumaraswamy
International Journal of environmental sciences 1 (2), 176-190, 2010
Flavonoids and Growth Hormones Influence Endophytic Colonization and in Planta Nitrogen Fixation by a Diazotrophic Serratia sp. in Rice
D Balachandar, GS Sandhiya, TCK Sugitha, K Kumar
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 22, 707-712, 2006
Endophytic colonization and in planta nitrogen fixation by a diazotrophic Serratia sp. in rice
GS Sandhiya, TCK Sugitha, D Balachandar, K Kumar
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2005
Aerobic cyanide degradation by bacterial isolates from cassava factory wastewater
S Kandasamy, B Dananjeyan, K Krishnamurthy, G Benckiser
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 46, 659-666, 2015
Long term effects of nutrient management regimes on abundance of bacterial genes and soil biochemical processes for fertility sustainability in a semi-arid tropical Alfisol
C Chinnadurai, G Gopalaswamy, D Balachandar
Geoderma 232, 563-572, 2014
Effect of elevated carbon dioxide and temperature on phosphorus uptake in tropical flooded rice (Oryza sativa L.)
P Bhattacharyya, KS Roy, PK Dash, S Neogi, MD Shahid, AK Nayak, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 53, 28-37, 2014
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for ArtificialRecharge Zone in Sivaganga District, Tamilnadu, India
D Balachandar, P Alaguraja, P Sundaraj, K Rutharvelmurthy
International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 1 (1), 84-97, 2010
Characterization and crop production efficiency of diazotrophic isolates from the rhizosphere of semi-arid tropical grasses of India
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu, D Balachandar, C Chinnadurai, Y Gharde
Applied Soil Ecology 87, 1-10, 2015
Effect of organic amendments and micronutrients on nodulation and yield of blackgram in acid soil
D Balachandar, P Nagarajan, S Gunasekaran
Legume Research-An International Journal 26 (3), 192-195, 2003
Genetic and metabolic diversity of pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophs in phyllosphere of tropical plants
D Balachandar, P Raja, SP Sundaram
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 39, 68-73, 2008
Biological control of stem rot of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. with actinomycetes
M Adhilakshmi, P Latha, V Paranidharan, D Balachandar, ...
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 47 (3), 298-311, 2014
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Articles 1–20