L. Rochefort
L. Rochefort
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North American approach to the restoration of Sphagnum dominated peatlands
L Rochefort, F Quinty, S Campeau, K Johnson, T Malterer
Wetlands Ecology and Management 11, 3-20, 2003
Sphagnum—a keystone genus in habitat restoration
L Rochefort
The Bryologist 103 (3), 503-508, 2000
Peatland restoration guide
F Quinty, L Rochefort
Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association, 2003
Growth, production, and decomposition dynamics of Sphagnum under natural and experimentally acidified conditions
L Rochefort, DH Vitt, SE Bayley
Ecology 71 (5), 1986-2000, 1990
Ecological restoration of rich fens in Europe and North America: from trial and error to an evidence‐based approach
LPM Lamers, MA Vile, AP Grootjans, MC Acreman, R van Diggelen, ...
Biological Reviews 90 (1), 182-203, 2015
Response of vegetation and net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange at different peatland microforms following water table drawdown
M Strack, JM Waddington, L Rochefort, ES Tuittila
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 111 (G2), 2006
Energy and moisture considerations on cutover peatlands: surface microtopography, mulch cover and Sphagnum regeneration
J Price, L Rochefort, F Quinty
Ecological engineering 10 (4), 293-312, 1998
Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids
BDA Naafs, GN Inglis, Y Zheng, MJ Amesbury, H Biester, R Bindler, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 208, 285-301, 2017
Peatland restoration: A brief assessment with special reference to Sphagnum bogs
E Gorham, L Rochefort
Wetlands Ecology and Management 11, 109-119, 2003
Sphagnum regeneration on bare peat surfaces: field and greenhouse experiments
S Campeau, L Rochefort
Journal of Applied Ecology, 599-608, 1996
Landscape characteristics influence pond occupancy by frogs after accounting for detectability
MJ Mazerolle, A Desrochers, L Rochefort
Ecological Applications 15 (3), 824-834, 2005
Trophic interactions in a high arctic snow goose colony
G Gauthier, J Bêty, JF Giroux, L Rochefort
Integrative and comparative biology 44 (2), 119-129, 2004
An overview of peatland restoration in North America: where are we after 25 years?
RA Chimner, DJ Cooper, FC Wurster, L Rochefort
Restoration Ecology 25 (2), 283-292, 2017
Determining the immigration potential of plants colonizing disturbed environments: the case of milled peatlands in Quebec
DR Campbell, L Rochefort, C Lavoie
Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (1), 78-91, 2003
Climatic modifiers of the response to nitrogen deposition in peat‐forming Sphagnum mosses: a meta‐analysis
J Limpens, G Granath, U Gunnarsson, R Aerts, S Bayley, L Bragazza, ...
New Phytologist 191 (2), 496-507, 2011
Water and peat chemistry comparisons of natural and post-harvested peatlands across Canada and their relevance to peatland restoration
HL Wind-Mulder, L Rochefort, DH Vitt
Ecological engineering 7 (3), 161-181, 1996
Polytrichum strictum as a Nurse‐Plant in Peatland Restoration
EVG Groeneveld, A Masse, L Rochefort
Restoration Ecology 15 (4), 709-719, 2007
Spontaneous revegetation of mined peatlands in eastern Canada
M Poulin, L Rochefort, F Quinty, C Lavoie
Canadian Journal of Botany 83 (5), 539-557, 2005
Restoration of degraded boreal peatlands
L Rochefort, E Lode
Boreal peatland ecosystems, 381-423, 2006
Effect of grazing by greater snow geese on the production of graminoids at an arctic site (Bylot Island, NWT, Canada)
G Gauthier, RJ Hughes, A Reed, J Beaulieu, L Rochefort
Journal of Ecology, 653-664, 1995
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