Dan Li
Dan Li
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Comparative international entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda
S Terjesen, J Hessels, D Li
Journal of management 42 (1), 299-344, 2016
Friends, acquaintances, or strangers? Partner selection in R&D alliances
D Li, L Eden, MA Hitt, RD Ireland
Academy of management journal 51 (2), 315-334, 2008
Enhancing effects of manufacturing flexibility through operational absorptive capacity and operational ambidexterity
PC Patel, S Terjesen, D Li
Journal of Operations Management 30 (3), 201-220, 2012
International strategy: From local to global and beyond
MA Hitt, D Li, K Xu
Journal of world business 51 (1), 58-73, 2016
Internationalization process of small and medium-sized enterprises: Toward a hybrid model of experiential learning and planning
L Li, D Li, T Dalgic
MIR: Management International Review, 93-116, 2004
International exposure through network relationships: Implications for new venture internationalization
SA Fernhaber, D Li
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (2), 316-334, 2013
CSR reputation and firm performance: A dynamic approach
SR Miller, L Eden, D Li
Journal of Business Ethics 163, 619-636, 2020
Governance in multilateral R&D alliances
D Li, L Eden, MA Hitt, RD Ireland, RP Garrett
Organization Science 23 (4), 1191-1210, 2012
The state of strategic management research and a vision of the future
MA Hitt, BK Boyd, D Li
Research methodology in strategy and management 1, 1-31, 2004
Country familiarity in the initial stage of foreign market selection
DR Clark, D Li, DA Shepherd
Journal of international business studies 49, 442-472, 2018
The impact of interorganizational imitation on new venture international entry and performance
SA Fernhaber, D Li
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 34 (1), 1-30, 2010
Chinese outward foreign direct investment performance: The role of learning
M Lyles, D Li, H Yan
Management and Organization Review 10 (3), 411-437, 2014
Green entrepreneurship and SME performance: The moderating effect of firm age
C Yin, MP Salmador, D Li, MB Lloria
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 18 (1), 255-275, 2022
Partner selection for international strategic alliances in emerging economies
D Li, MP Ferreira
Scandinavian Journal of Management 24 (4), 308-319, 2008
Responding to public disclosure of corporate social irresponsibility in host countries: Information control and ownership control
SL Wang, D Li
Journal of International Business Studies 50, 1283-1309, 2019
Stakeholder ties, organizational learning, and business model innovation: A business ecosystem perspective
Y Yi, Y Chen, D Li
Technovation 114, 102445, 2022
Talk softly but carry a big stick: Transfer pricing penalties and the market valuation of Japanese multinationals in the United States
L Eden, LFJ Valdez, D Li
Journal of International Business Studies 36, 398-414, 2005
Institutional environment and firms' sources of financial capital in Central and Eastern Europe
D Li, MP Ferreira
Journal of Business Research 64 (4), 371-376, 2011
Is the international business environment the actual context for international business research?
MP Ferreira, D Li, S Guisinger, FAR Serra
Revista de Administração de Empresas 49, 282-294, 2009
Multilateral R&D alliances by new ventures
D Li
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (2), 241-260, 2013
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Articles 1–20