Youngjoo Cha
Cited by
Cited by
Overwork and the slow convergence in the gender gap in wages
Y Cha, KA Weeden
American Sociological Review 79 (3), 457-484, 2014
Reinforcing separate spheres: The effect of spousal overwork on men’s and women’s employment in dual-earner households
Y Cha
American Sociological Review 75 (2), 303-329, 2010
Overwork and the persistence of gender segregation in occupations
Y Cha
Gender & society 27 (2), 158-184, 2013
Long work hours, part-time work, and trends in the gender gap in pay, the motherhood wage penalty, and the fatherhood wage premium
KA Weeden, Y Cha, M Bucca
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 2 (4), 71-102, 2016
Labor markets, breadwinning, and beliefs: How economic context shapes men's gender ideology
Y Cha, S Thébaud
Gender & Society 23 (2), 215-243, 2009
Rent and the evolution of inequality in late industrial United States
SL Morgan, Y Cha
American Behavioral Scientist 50 (5), 677-701, 2007
Structural earnings losses and between-industry mobility of displaced workers, 2003–2008
Y Cha, SL Morgan
Social Science Research 39 (6), 1137-1152, 2010
Mandating change: The impact of court-ordered policy changes on managerial diversity
E Hirsh, Y Cha
ILR Review 70 (1), 42-72, 2017
Employment discrimination lawsuits and corporate stock prices
CE Hirsh, Y Cha
Social Currents 2 (1), 40-57, 2015
For law and markets: Employment discrimination lawsuits, market performance, and managerial diversity
E Hirsh, Y Cha
American Journal of Sociology 123 (4), 1117-1160, 2018
Job Mobility and the Great Recession: Wage Consequences by Gender and Parenthood
Y Cha
Sociological Science 1, 159-177, 2014
Understanding employment discrimination: A multilevel approach
CE Hirsh, Y Cha
Sociology Compass 2 (6), 1989-2007, 2008
Mapping the content of Asian stereotypes in the United States: Intersections with ethnicity, gender, income, and birthplace
S Benard, B Manago, A Acosta Russian, Y Cha
Social Psychology Quarterly 86 (4), 432-456, 2023
Time divide, gender divide: Gender, work, and family in South Korea
Y Cha, S Kim
Journal of Korean Studies 28 (2), 207-227, 2023
Overwork and the Slow Convergence in the Gender Gap in Wages
Y Cha, KA Weeden
American Sociological Review (forthcoming), 2013
Overwork and the use of paid leave and flexible work policies in US workplaces
Y Cha, RK Grady
Social Science Research 121, 103006, 2024
Is the Gender Wage Gap Really a Family Wage Gap in Disguise?
Y Cha, KA Weeden, L Schnabel
American Sociological Review 88 (6), 972-1001, 2023
A Half Century of Change in the Lives of American Women
M Bailey, T DiPrete
Special Issue of RSF: The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences, 2016
Gender inequality in overworking America
Y Cha
‘It’s just my personality.'How employees make sense of their long work hours in a supportive workplace
JJ Lee, K Kelley, C Mead, Y Cha
Community, Work & Family, 1-21, 2024
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Articles 1–20