Jianzhong Wen
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Cited by
Long-lived quantum coherence in photosynthetic complexes at physiological temperature
G Panitchayangkoon, D Hayes, KA Fransted, JR Caram, E Harel, J Wen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (29), 12766-12770, 2010
Secreted kinase phosphorylates extracellular proteins that regulate biomineralization
VS Tagliabracci, JL Engel, J Wen, SE Wiley, CA Worby, LN Kinch, J Xiao, ...
Science 336 (6085), 1150-1153, 2012
The structural basis for the difference in absorbance spectra for the FMO antenna protein from various green sulfur bacteria
DE Tronrud, J Wen, L Gay, RE Blankenship
Photosynthesis research 100, 79-87, 2009
A single kinase generates the majority of the secreted phosphoproteome
VS Tagliabracci, SE Wiley, X Guo, LN Kinch, E Durrant, J Wen, J Xiao, ...
Cell 161 (7), 1619-1632, 2015
Membrane orientation of the FMO antenna protein from Chlorobaculum tepidum as determined by mass spectrometry-based footprinting
J Wen, H Zhang, ML Gross, RE Blankenship
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (15), 6134-6139, 2009
Native electrospray and electron-capture dissociation FTICR mass spectrometry for top-down studies of protein assemblies
H Zhang, W Cui, J Wen, RE Blankenship, ML Gross
Analytical chemistry 83 (14), 5598-5606, 2011
Visualization of excitonic structure in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson photosynthetic complex by polarization-dependent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
EL Read, GS Schlau-Cohen, GS Engel, J Wen, RE Blankenship, ...
Biophysical journal 95 (2), 847-856, 2008
Native electrospray and electron-capture dissociation in FTICR mass spectrometry provide top-down sequencing of a protein component in an intact protein assembly
H Zhang, W Cui, J Wen, RE Blankenship, ML Gross
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21 (12), 1966-1968, 2011
Xylose phosphorylation functions as a molecular switch to regulate proteoglycan biosynthesis
J Wen, J Xiao, M Rahdar, BP Choudhury, J Cui, GS Taylor, JD Esko, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (44), 15723-15728, 2014
A secretory kinase complex regulates extracellular protein phosphorylation
J Cui, J Xiao, VS Tagliabracci, J Wen, M Rahdar, JE Dixon
elife 4, e06120, 2015
Native electrospray mass spectrometry reveals the nature and stoichiometry of pigments in the FMO photosynthetic antenna protein
J Wen, H Zhang, ML Gross, RE Blankenship
Biochemistry 50 (17), 3502-3511, 2011
Robustness of electronic coherence in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex to vibronic and structural modifications
D Hayes, J Wen, G Panitchayangkoon, RE Blankenship, GS Engel
Faraday Discussions 150, 459-469, 2011
Crystal structure of the Golgi casein kinase
J Xiao, VS Tagliabracci, J Wen, SA Kim, JE Dixon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (26), 10574-10579, 2013
Dynamics of electronic dephasing in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex
D Hayes, G Panitchayangkoon, KA Fransted, JR Caram, J Wen, KF Freed, ...
New Journal of Physics 12 (6), 065042, 2010
Mass spectrometry-based carboxyl footprinting of proteins: method evaluation
H Zhang, J Wen, RYC Huang, RE Blankenship, ML Gross
International journal of mass spectrometry 312, 78-86, 2012
A microdose cocktail to evaluate drug interactions in patients with renal impairment
DA Tatosian, KL Yee, Z Zhang, K Mostoller, E Paul, S Sutradhar, P Larson, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109 (2), 403-415, 2021
Structural Analysis of Alternative Complex III in the Photosynthetic Electron Transfer Chain of Chloroflexus aurantiacus
X Gao, Y Xin, PD Bell, J Wen, RE Blankenship
Biochemistry 49 (31), 6670-6679, 2010
The three-dimensional structure of the FMO protein from Pelodictyon phaeum and the implications for energy transfer
CR Larson, CO Seng, L Lauman, HJ Matthies, J Wen, RE Blankenship, ...
Photosynthesis research 107, 139-150, 2011
Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry reveals the interaction of Fenna–Matthews–Olson protein and chlorosome CsmA protein
RYC Huang, J Wen, RE Blankenship, ML Gross
Biochemistry 51 (1), 187-193, 2012
Role of the AcsF Protein in Chloroflexus aurantiacus
KH Tang, J Wen, X Li, RE Blankenship
Journal of bacteriology 191 (11), 3580-3587, 2009
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